The recommended approach for messaging in Grouper v2.6+ is:
- Use a provisioner instead of messaging so that full and incremental syncs can occur and all the provisioning framework features can be used
- If you still want to use messaging, consider using a messaging provisioner (such as Amazon AWS SNS/SQS, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ) instead of the messaging change log. There is more granular control of which objects are eligible for the messaging, and information is kept/displayed about when messages are sent
- If you still want to use messaging change log consumer, it is still supported
Grouper messaging system is a Java implementation of the Interface GrouperMessagingSystem. It allows messages to be sent and received from a messaging system.
The built in implementation is
Newer options, (found in Grouper 2.5+) leveraging external messaging systems are:
The messages:
- must support 100kB in size
- must support ordered messaging (unless ordered messaging consumers are not used)
- there are bulk methods, but the implementation can do them one at a time (if there is an error, block until all are successful)
- Grouper messaging built in
- Grouper messaging send receive change log adapter example
- Grouper messaging send receive example
- Grouper Messaging System development guide
- Grouper Messaging System - full sync messages
- Grouper messaging to web service API
- Grouper Messaging with ActiveMQ
- Grouper Messaging with AWS SQS
- Grouper Messaging with RabbitMQ
Configure an ESB change log consumer in
##################################### ## Messaging integration with ESB, send change log entries to a messaging system ##################################### # note, change "messagingEsb" in key to be the name of the consumer. e.g. changeLog.consumer.myAzureConsumer.class # note, routingKey property is valid only for rabbitmq. For other messaging systems, it is ignored. #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbConsumer # quartz cron # {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.quartzCron$"} #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.quartzCron = 0 * * * * ? # el filter # {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.elfilter$"} #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.elfilter = event.eventType eq 'GROUP_DELETE' || event.eventType eq 'GROUP_ADD' || event.eventType eq 'MEMBERSHIP_DELETE' || event.eventType eq 'MEMBERSHIP_ADD' # publishing class # {valueType: "class", mustExtendClass: "edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbMessagingPublisher", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.publisher\\.class$"} #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.publisher.class = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.changeLog.esb.consumer.EsbMessagingPublisher # messaging system name # {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.messagingSystemName$"} #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.publisher.messagingSystemName = grouperBuiltinMessaging # routing key # {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.routingKey$"} #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.publisher.routingKey = # EL replacement definition. groupName is the variable for the name of the group. grouperUtil is the class GrouperUtilElSafe can be used for utility methods. # {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.regexRoutingKeyReplacementDefinition$"} #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.regexRoutingKeyReplacementDefinition = ${groupName.replaceFirst('', 'group.modify').replace(':enrolled', '').replace(':waitlisted', '').replace(':withdrawn', '')} # replace routing key with periods # {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.replaceRoutingKeyColonsWithPeriods$"} #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.replaceRoutingKeyColonsWithPeriods = true # queue or topic # {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.publisher\\.messageQueueType$"} #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.publisher.messageQueueType = queue # queue or topic name # {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.publisher\\.queueOrTopicName$"} #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.publisher.queueOrTopicName = abc # exchange type for rabbitmq. valid options are DIRECT, TOPIC, HEADERS, FANOUT # {valueType: "string", regex: "^changeLog\\.consumer\\.([^.]+)\\.publisher\\.exchangeType$"} #changeLog.consumer.messagingEsb.publisher.exchangeType =
The GrouperMessagingSystem interface is located in the GrouperClient:
/** * * @author mchyzer * $Id$ */ package edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.messaging; /** * Represents the methods that a messaging system * needs to support */ public interface GrouperMessagingSystem { /** * send a message to a queue name. Note, the recipient could be a * queue or a topic (generally always one or the other) based on the * implementation of the messaging system. Messages must be delievered * in the order that collection iterator designates. If there is a problem * delivering the messages, the implementation should log, wait (back off) * and retry until it is successful. * @param grouperMessageSendParam has the queue or topic, and the message(s) and perhaps args * @return result */ public GrouperMessageSendResult send(GrouperMessageSendParam grouperMessageSendParam); /** * this will generally block until there are messages to process. These messages * are ordered in the order that they were sent. * @param grouperMessageReceiveParam grouper messaging receive param * @return a message or multiple messages. It will block until there are messages * available for this recipient to process */ public GrouperMessageReceiveResult receive(GrouperMessageReceiveParam grouperMessageReceiveParam); /** * tell the messaging system that these messages are processed * generally the message system will use the message id. Note, the objects * sent to this method must be the same that were received in the * receiveMessages method. If there is a problem * delivering the messages, the implementation should wait (back off) * and retry until it is successful. Alternatively the message should be * returned to queue, returned to end of queue, or sent to another queue * @param grouperMessageAcknowledgeParam * @return result */ public GrouperMessageAcknowledgeResult acknowledge(GrouperMessageAcknowledgeParam grouperMessageAcknowledgeParam); }
This is the interface for GrouperMessage (located in the GrouperClient), which has a default implementation that can be used. Note the message contents will be encrypted, have metadata, etc.
/** * @author mchyzer * $Id$ */ package edu.internet2.middleware.grouperClient.messaging; /** * grouper message sent to/from grouper messaging systems */ public interface GrouperMessage { /** * member id of a subjcet that sent the message * @return the from member id */ public String getFromMemberId(); /** * @param fromMemberId1 the from to set */ public void setFromMemberId(String fromMemberId1); /** * @return the id */ public String getId(); /** * @param id1 the id to set */ public void setId(String id1); /** * @return the message */ public String getMessageBody(); /** * @param message1 the message to set */ public void setMessageBody(String message1); }
See Also:
GSH to manage built in messaging
GSH to send / receive messages
Grouper Messaging System Development Guide
Grouper Messaging to Web Service API