- Grouper developers build patch the installer
- Grouper installer admin tool
- Grouper installer dev team internal package the tarball
- Grouper installer non interactive mode
- Grouper installer offline
- Grouper installer upgrade tomcat
- Grouper upgrader
The grouper installer should not be used anymore
The Grouper Installer is a jar that will install the Grouper Container in v2.5+. This is only as a quick start at this point. You will generally not use the installer to install a production environment, you will use your lessons learned from the installer in your quick start to have your steps prepared.
The only prerequisites are Java 8 JDK. It will work in Windows, Unix, Mac (any OS where you can run DOS or shell scripts), however you will need docker so Unix/Mac are best. It saves a README.txt which files are being edited, and which commands are being run, so the user can learn from what is going on. It uses the stock Grouper container so there is no magic or hidden configuration included.
Install Grouper using the "quickstart container" (maturity level -1)
Running without network
The Grouper installer requires the internet currently. We can remove this requirement in the future if needed.
How do I create a schema for my database?
Ask the DBA to do this, here is an example for a local Oracle installation
CREATE USER grouper_v1_5 IDENTIFIED BY xxxxxxxx DEFAULT TABLESPACE "USERS" QUOTA UNLIMITED ON "USERS"; GRANT "CONNECT" TO grouper_v1_5; GRANT "RESOURCE" TO grouper_v1_5; -- 2 Roles for grouper_v1_5 GRANT CONNECT TO grouper_v1_5; GRANT RESOURCE TO grouper_v1_5; ALTER USER grouper_v1_5 DEFAULT ROLE ALL; -- 5 System Privileges for grouper_v1_5 GRANT CREATE SEQUENCE TO grouper_v1_5; GRANT CREATE SESSION TO grouper_v1_5; GRANT CREATE TABLE TO grouper_v1_5; GRANT CREATE VIEW TO grouper_v1_5; GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO grouper_v1_5;
Problem with HSQL DB port:
If there is a problem with the HSQL port, then select that you do not want to use the default included database, then for the database URL, change the port to something else, e.g. from 9001 to 9002 with URL like this: jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9002/grouper Leave the username and pass as "sa" and <blank>, and continue
What do I do when I am done with the installer?
See the page on Getting Ready for Production
Installing the v2.5 container with the installer
Using a config file
You can put a grouper.installer.properties in the same directory as the grouperInstaller.jar to control various aspects. See the grouper.installer.example.properties for whats possible to put in there
At a minimum you need this in the config file (version and url)
# this should be before the version number download.server.url = http://software.internet2.edu/grouper # default version to install grouper.version = 2.3.0
To run the installer, use this command
[appadmin@i2midev6 patchesAuto]$ ls grouperInstaller.jar grouper.installer.properties [appadmin@i2midev6 patchesAuto]$ java -cp .:grouperInstaller-x.y.z.jar edu.internet2.middleware.grouperInstaller.GrouperInstaller
You can also set this property which as you run the installer will let you know the property to set for each prompt
# this should be before the version number download.server.url = httsp://software.internet2.edu/grouper # print out autorun keys in prompts so you can easily see how to configure the autorun grouperInstaller.print.autorunKeys = false
Then once you see which properties to set, put them all in the grouper.installer.properties and run, and you can use defaults to make it not interactive
# this should be before the version number download.server.url = https://software.internet2.edu/grouper #### set this to true to try to use defaults for everything. Only things without default values will need to be set grouperInstaller.autorun.useDefaultsAsMuchAsAvailable = true