July & August Update: TIER Working Groups 

Guide to Updates

Component Architects WG


  • Discussed the incorporation of midPoint into the TIER Architecture including integration of midPoint with COmanage and midPoint Registry with Grouper as Subject Source
  • SOW for Evolveum work to containerize midPoint following the TIER pattern
  • Assurance that the Shibboleth UI will be Campus Deployable/Extensible
  • Prioritizing work and spending as the initial funding model winds down in Q1 2019
  • Review of key messages coming out of Global Summit and TNC

July / August

  • Focusing regular component and WG development report outs around prioritizing work and spending as the initial funding model winds down in Q1 2019
  • Began discussions and planning around building an apprenticeship/successorship model to sustain a community base of expertise for continued development and sustainability for advancing IAM programs, software and support.
  • In-depth component and WG report outs
    • Shib IdP 3.4 tracking later than hoped but no blockers
    • Grouper 2.4 release is wrapping up and will be updated in the TIER container shortly thereafter
    • COmanage 3.2.0 release tracking for TechEx along with ID Match
    • midPoint - Evolveum development underway for TIER container
    • Shib UI/UX ready for final demo and code review. Packaging to be complete for campus testing by TechEx


  • TBD

DataStructures/API - Entity Registry WGs


  • Began focus on 4 month roadmap for work to complete by end of September 2018
  • Began specific TIER schema definitions to cross-reference with Banner to collaborate with and aid TIER Campus Success Program participants using Banner
  • Continued work on advancing midPoint demos
  • Worked on development of an SOW to support Evolveum's development of a standard TIER midPoint container
  • Held several discussions around determining a final schema definition language for the TIER API specification

July / August

  • API/Schema work
    • Documentation of data structures, APIs and messages
    • Generate clients and services using OAI 3 (see above) and Swagger tooling
    • Banner SoR schema and Banner-midPoint connector - CSP initiated
  • Development of a TIER-style container for RabbitMQ
    • Taking advantage of what is available and fits our needs and will just need minor tailoring
  • ID Match API specification and implementation
    • Assemble a "Pilot" group with the interested CSP schools next month
  • Minimal Registry - we have agreed on this but have not "yet" produced a final document for distribution
    • Principally want to encourage folks to re-think how much they want to cram into their registry and so spec out the absolute minimal person
    • But also want to have a list that can be considered as add-ons for those who feel they need it. Need this whole list for completeness.
  • Finalized SOW for the TIER midPoint container


  • TBD

Packaging WG


  • Determined to use Supervisord for running TIER containers with multiple processes
  • Determined to switch to Azul Zulu OpenJDK as opposed to the issues around downloading Oracle JAVA. All containers must still include mechanisms and instructions for the use of Oracle JAVA, but will enable us to ship complete containers.
  • Began discussion around a TIER messaging container for RabbitMQ (complies with AMQP)
  • Released Shibboleth IdP container that can be adopted w/o the need to build
  • Worked on development of an SOW to support Evolveum's development of a standard TIER midPoint container

July / August

  • Grouper build/test enhancements
    • returning error codes, etc.
    • working Grouper tests into Packaging tests is a goal, but Grouper tests take a long time
  • Revisiting base container OS decision
  • RabbitMQ container spec
  • Next month: Shibboleth UI packaging
  • Finalized SOW for the TIER midPoint container
  • BTAA TIER Docker Hackathon - notes courtesy of James Babb facilitating for TIER
  • Developed and distributed a survey on container orchestration frameworks to get a broader view of feedback around the need to support Swarm or Kubernetes etc.


  • TBD

BTAA and TIER Collaboration Provisioning and De-Provisioning

  • With many vacations etc. not much happened with product evaluations. Looking to get more feedback in July and early August to begin compiling results.

July / August
  • Continued collecting provisioning engine product evaluations. Over the summer, we were able to get four, and we’ve started analyzing them to pull out product comparisons and best practices.
  • Plans: We still need a couple more evaluations. In particular, we’d like an evaluation of Grouper as a provisioning engine. Erik Coleman (ecc@illinois.edu) is leading this one, and he’d welcome assistance. To help with Grouper or evaluate any other product (please help), see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m38xvE79xHIlSP0ZRRC3ggT-0WFDT-rUfs-AU9HWXA0/edit#
  • TBD

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