Friday, November 6, 2015 at 2 PM Eastern DAYLIGHT Time, 1 PM Central, 11 AM Pacific

Adobe Connect URL: - NOTE:  No audio on Adobe Connect. Audio is on the phone bridge.

Dial-in number:   +1-734-615-7474 Access Code: 0165350

Note: an email goes to the list with the web and phone-in conferencing information one or two days prior to the call.

Agenda for next call
  1. Roll Call (by timezone - East to West)

  2. Agenda Bash

  3. Introduction to Signature-Ready EA
    Facilitator: Chris Eagle

  4. Itana Org Updates

    1. Working Group Updates

    2. Fall Face2Face 2015 -

Agendas and notes from past calls

We're structuring this season's calls around a scheduled list of topics.


We follow the Internet2 Intellectual Property Framework: