InCommon now serves a community of more than 1.5 million end-users (students, faculty and staff). For more, see the InCommon FAQ and the InCommon Participants List.

See this page for instructions on gaining access to protected sections or to gain edit access.
(Note: Your organization must be an InCommon participant to gain edit-level access. Otherwise, feel free to browse this space.)


Toolkits provide resources to help campus information technology professionals develop the case for federating. This material will help make the case with such diverse groups as chief information officers and campus stakeholders.

The material in this section includes slide decks that you can use, as well as overviews and documents for your background and to use in presentations.

Specific sections in this area include:

InCommon Collaborative Projects

Help for Projects

InCommon will assist groups working on common areas of interest. On request, InCommon will provide:

To find out more, email InCommon-admin AT incommonfederation DOT org

Projects List

Campus Practices

Sponsored Partners

InCommon Information