NOTES: Day 1 (15-June-2009)

Welcome and Introductions to CAMP: Practical Building Blocks for Access Management

* Thomas J. Barton, Senior Director for Integration, University of Chicago

Access Management Building Blocks

* Tom Dopirak, Senior Consulting IT Architect, Carnegie Mellon University,

Categorizing Access Management Challenges

*Rob Carter, Consultant, IT, Duke University , *Scott Fullerton, Sr IT Architect, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Discussion and Lightning Rounds: What are Your Use Cases?

* Moderator: Tom Barton

* Cal Racey, Newcastle University

Access controlling online resources - Wikis, Lecture capture, Room Booking

* Michael McDermott Brown University

Securing Faculty Information Systems (link to powerpoint)

* David Langenberg, University of Chicago

  Quarterly Instructor Access, Student testing (link to ppt)

* Jimmy Vuccolo , Pennsylvania State University

 Financial Workflows

* Liz Salley, University of Michigan

Organizations as Subjects

* Jim Beard,  University of Oregon

Thorns in Password Reset

NOTES: Day 2 (16-June-2009)

Describing the Solution Patterns and Real World Examples

* Liz Salley (Moderator), Steven Carmody, Caleb Racey_, Tom Barton_

Discussion and Lightning Rounds: Testing the Solution Patterns

* Moderator: Tom Barton

Environmental Scan - What Technology Tools Work (and Don't Work)? 

* Moderator: Tom Barton, Panel: Bill Kasenchar,  Laura Hunter, Bob Bailey

Bob Bailey Presentation:

Environmental Scan - What Policy and Process Approaches Work (and Don't Work)?

* Moderator: Liz Salley Panel: Andrea Beesing_, Renee Shuey_

U-M Presentation

Cornell Presentation

Penn State Presentation

Bringing the Workshop Home: Applying Your Knowledge to Your Access Mangement Challenges

Breakout Groups

NOTES: Day 3 (17-June-2009)

Lightning Rounds of Use Cases, Solutions Integration, and Related Topics

* Moderator: Jens Hauesser

Chris Hyzer
University of Pennsylvania, Grouper future features, get ppt slides

Kent Fong
University of British Columbia, UBC's IdM program

Jim Beard
University of Oregon, IdM implementation from the rear view mirror

Looking Forward

*Moderator:  Liz Salley
Panel: Ken Klingenstein, Tom Dopirak, Michael McDermott, Bob Bailey

Next Steps and Continuing the Conversation

Buddy Groups were formed for ongoing consultation and support with access management issues.
