Subgroup Charge:

Develop a comprehensive list of use cases related to accessing information vendors from a variety of starting points, group them as appropriate and prioritize them.

Next meeting time and information
Subgroup Members

Thomas Howell (Northwestern U) -- Chair
Andy Dale (OCLC)
Lynn Garrison (Penn State)
Paul Hill (MIT)
Barry Johnson (Clemson)
John Kiser (U of Penn)
Tim Mori (NC State)
Tod Olson (U of Chicago)
Heather Tones White (U of Saskatchewan)
Rich Wenger (MIT)

Additional Wiki Pages

Use Cases

Category 1: OCLC

Category 2: Atlas

Category 3: Ex Libris
note: We may be able to discuss Shibboleth implementation solely in terms of the PDS (patron directory service)

Category 4: Various Vendors

Category 5: User Types (User Profiles)

Category 6: License Cases

Category 7: Abstracted Library Authentication and Authorization Models

Category 8: Uncategorized Cases

Question: primary and tertiary sets of attributes, uApprove (developed by the Swiss federation), how does a users know which sites should be properly accessable to their Shibb account?, how does a user know the state of their various cookies as associated with their ID?