The Cloud Scorecard directory is now live. Access the directory and view completed Scorecards from the Internet2 website.

Welcome to the NET+ Cloud Scorecard wiki page.

About the Cloud Scorecard Working Group:

The NET+ Cloud Scorecard Launch Working Group represents the research and education cloud community in developing, implementing, and maintaining the Cloud Scorecard and associated projects.

The duties of the Working Group are to:                         

  1. Ensure scorecard project, including the cloud scorecard directory, is being implemented in alignment with the community recommendation.
  2. Support evangelization of the cloud scorecard.
  3. Provide Internet2 feedback on directory development and administration.
  4. Provide advice and support for future web applications.
  5. Review feedback on the questionnaire and directory.
  6. Review recommendations for new questions and modifications to existing questions to the scorecard questionnaire.
  7. Support development of a sustainable contribution model to support the community effort and directory administration.

For questions or comments, please contact visit our webpage or email 

Current Working Group Members:

Loren Malm, Ball State University
Jon Allen, Baylor University
Sean O'Brien, Internet2
Erik Lundberg, University of Washington
Tom Dugas, Duquesne University
Jeff Minelli, Penn State 
Greg Herbold, Palo Alto Networks
Jim Bradley, Sam Houston State University
Tally Thrasher, Indiana University
Nelson Wang, Miro
Matthew D'Emilio, Carnegie Mellon University

Staff Liaisons:

Tara Gyenis, Program Devlopment
Quyen Vaillant, Program Management

If you are interested in appointment to the working group, please review the charter.