Grouper Web Services

This page is intended for developers on the Grouper team only.  These are instructions on how to edit the Grouper code itself, not for users of the Grouper software.  Thanks!


To augment a web service

This is an example for adding point in time to getMembers

 Timestamp pointInTimeFromTimestamp = GrouperServiceUtils.stringToTimestamp(pointInTimeFrom);
      Timestamp pointInTimeFrom = GrouperClientUtils.argMapTimestamp(argMap, argMapNotUsed, "pointInTimeFrom");
 [--disabledTime=yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss] [--enabledTime=yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss]
 - You can pass in pointInTimeFrom and pointInTimeTo to get the memberlist at a certain
   point in time in the past, or in a date range.  This should be formatted: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mi:ss

To add  a new web service

This is an example of adding getAuditEntries web service