Steps needed to make a Grouper release

Final todo's

Verifying cherry-picks from branch are in master

This is a somewhat tedious step, as not all commits are official cherry picks (they could be two similar commits), and some cherry picks don't get detected as identical changes (e.g. if there is a merge conflict).

As a first step, run `git checkout <branch>; git cherry master`. This will list all the commits in the branch. Commits with a minus (-) sign are already cherry picked. and commits with a plus (+) sign need further investigation. This will narrow down the investigation a lot. Alternatively, you can use `git log --left-right --graph --cherry-mark --oneline GROUPER_2_3_BRANCH...master` which will show the commit graph for both branches, with '<' for the commits only in the branch and '=' for cherry-picked commits.

For the commits needing attention, there is often no quick way to verify they have been applied to master. Probably the easiest thing to do is look at what changed using `git show <commit>`, see what changed, and then `git blame <filename>` in the master branch to see if the changes somehow made it to master. Github also has a git blame function, so you can compare changes in two different windows. Another way to compare, if you can find a master commit with the same commit message, is to do a `git show` in both commits and compare the differences (maybe using the diff command). If the only differences are in line numbers and spacing, the commits are a good match.

For all the commits that can't be accounted for, ask the original committers to look into why they never got cherry-picked.

Changes in git

Edit all the README.txt files  (DONE)

Update Grouper specsheet software requirements page (DONE)

Grouper installer (Chris)

Grouper WS

Search for the old version (e.g. 2.2.2 or 2_2_2 or 2_2_002) in all the files (Chris)

See which config files / jar files / ddl changed since last release, make sure there are entries in the change log. (do we do this anymore? Grouper changes v2.2)

If its a minor release, change the release version policy page 

Make sure the crontab on webprod3 is installed for this version to make the "grouper.all*.tar.gz tarball"

Git Release Commit

This is the single commit that will be the official release. All code work should be finished at this point.

Create a new branch: git checkout -b GROUPER_2_4_BRANCH

Edit all the pom.xmls <version> tags

mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=2.4.0

# if the git diff looks ok:
mvn versions:commit

# otherwise
# mvn versions:revert

Look for other snapshot references that needs to change: `find . -name pom.xml | xargs grep SNAPSHOT`

Compile grouperClient and morphString with the 2.4.0 tag, in case the jar size changes

Update checkConfig with the grouperClient file size

Update grouperClient and morphString jars in the grouper lib (anywhere else?)

Commit in the new branch. Note, if this is in the master branch, or any other branch that Travis will act on, include "[ci skip]" in the commit message, so that it won't build and publish to the Sonatype snapshot repository.

Push the new branch (TODO needs an extra git command to track the remote?)

For the commit just pushed, tag as GROUPER_2_4_0 and push

git tag GROUPER_2_4_0
git push --tags

Or, if there is already a GROUPER_2_4_0 tag, these steps will override it in the remote repository:

# Retag:

# (this will force delete the tag in the remote tag, since there is no source before the colon)
git push upstream :refs/tags/GROUPER_2_4_0

    # > To
    # >  - [deleted]                   GROUPER_2_4_0

# Force update the local tag to the current commit
git tag -fa GROUPER_2_4_0

# Dry run - note in the output that it will push the commit plus the tag
git push --dry-run upstream master --tags

git push upstream master --tags

In the branch, change pom 2.4.0->2.4.1-SNAPSHOT, update .travis.yml to include the 2.4 branch, commit, test build, commit, and push

In master, change pom 2.4.0-SNAPSHOT->2.5.0-SNAPSHOT, test build, commit, and push

Handle Copyright According to Policy

Run the copyright wizard on the entire branch for java files.  Or you can diff in version control and go through the new files.  Note, only new files should have diffs...  this is the custom copyright.  You can update the year for new files, don't update the year for existing files.  The year should be used and not a range.  That is our policy on copyrights. (dont want to change all files)

Copyright 2015 Internet2

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Make sure the subjects.sql and quickstart.xml file are in the release directory (copy from 2.3.0)

Misc Checks

Security Review

Review UI / WS code changes* from the previous version with respect to Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) top 10 web application security vulnerabilities 

If possible run a security scan against a test instance - University of Pennsylvania via Chris?

*We have not carried out a thorough security review of the existing code base for any version of Grouper. We should do that in order for the incremental reviews to be adequate


Run API (SuiteDefault) JUnit tests (set true in all JUnit test includes in  Also run the Grouper Installer, it should end in success for the client connecting to the WS and you should be able to use the UI.

API JUnit Tests





MySQL (with utf/bin collation table types)








ps -ef | grep java   --- kill hsql
cd grouper.apiBinary-2.0.0
cd bin
java -cp ../lib/jdbcSamples/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -port 9001 -database.0 file:grouper -dbname.0 grouper &
./ -registry -runscript
./ -test -all

Try the UI with a few different languages in the browser request (en without US, french, something not common)

Try checkConfig tests.

Upgrade from x.y-1 to x.y (e.g. 2.3 to 2.4).

Install the grouper installer



OS X (10.6)









Web Service JUnit Tests (Grouper WS and Grouper Client) (Shilen work on for 2.4.0, has errors in client tests)

WS samples (DONE for 2.4.0)

WS javadoc (generate, commit, test).  Make sure new operations / args / etc are documented in the WS doc page (TODO?)

UI internationalization tests (TODO?)

Test an API patch

# try to see if someone else is testing, look when process started, wait if so or email list...
[appadmin@i2midev6 ~]$ ps -ef | grep gsh | grep test | grep all

# see if hsql is running, and stop if so
[appadmin@i2midev6 ~]$ ps -ef | grep hsql
[appadmin@i2midev6 ~]$ kill <the_pid>
[appadmin@i2midev6 ~]$ > /tmp/grouperTestResults.txt & 2>&1
[appadmin@i2midev6 ~]$ tail -f /tmp/grouperTestResults.txt GROUPER_2_4_BRANCH
cd  /home/mchyzer/tmp/grouperDownload/build_mchyzer/grouper-GROUPER_2_4_BRANCH
cd grouper

cd /home/mchyzer/tmp/grouperDownload/build_mchyzer/grouper-GROUPER_2_4_BRANCH/grouper
ant dist
./bin/ -registry -runscript
./bin/ -test -all

Compile test on server

 * Test {@link Stem}.
 * <p />
 * @author  blair christensen.
 * @version $Id:,v 1.34 2009-12-07 07:31:09 mchyzer Exp $
public class Test extends GrouperTest {

    // Private Class Constants
    private static final Log LOG = GrouperUtil.getLog(Test.class);

     * Method main.
     * @param args String[]
    public static void main(String[] args) { Test("testCache"));

    public Test(String name) {

javac -classpath .:../lib/grouper/*:../lib/test/*:../dist/lib/* -sourcepath .

 java -classpath ../conf:.:../lib/grouper/*:../lib/test/*:../dist/lib/grouper.jar:../lib/jdbcSamples/hsqldb.jar Test

Packaging and releasing

Resulting .tar.gz's are in ~mchyzer/tmp/grouperAll/build_<username>. There are both source and binary tarballs for the API and Client packages.

sftp    (then sftp to webprod3)
lcd /home/mchyzer/tmp/grouperAll/build_username
mkdir /home/htdocs/home/htdocs/
cd /home/htdocs/
mput *.tar.gz

[appadmin@i2midev1 2.0.0]$ pwd
[appadmin@i2midev1 2.0.0]$ ./

Packaging and releasing : provisioning

After tagging, publish to maven central by following the instructions on v2.1.0 Grouper Development Environment Using Maven.

Publish to maven central here

Copy grouper.psp-version.tar.gz to the release URL.

Archive the current release

Update vN.N+Release+Notes page

Generally roll notes from the oldest release off and add notes for the new release. Keep previous release notes in there, so that we always have current + previous.

Update Software+Download page

Review product pages

Update GrouperWG/Home

Just update the "NEW!!" message on this page. Maybe review the Background section to see if it could use some freshening.  Maybe add a news item

Review Training Videos

Review Impact, if any, on TIER Grouper Deployment Guide

Update Grouper Wiki Documentation

Release Numbering and Testing Period

As of Feb. 2012, these procedures were adopted regarding release numbering and testing:

- The X.X.0 release will be considered a pre-release, like a Release Candidate
- That will be the testing release
- The X.X.1 release will be the actual release, presumably after any initial bugs identified have been fixed.

Packaging team

Talk to the InCommon Trusted Access Platform packaging team to see what their plan is

Notify about the release

Other Outreach

Publishing Maven jars to Sonatype (Maven Central)

See also.: v2.1.0 Grouper Development Environment Using Maven#Maven+Central+Deployment

Make sure you are at the official release commit, as it's the only commit without a -SNAPSHOT version number

git checkout GROUPER_2_4_0 (warnings about detached HEAD are ok, just remember to checkout an actual branch when finished)

cd ~/bin
./ GROUPER_2_4_0

    #> --2018-08-29 16:19:42--
    #> 2018-08-29 16:24:45 (992 KB/s) - ‘’ saved [307471992]
    #> mv: cannot stat ‘GROUPER_2_4_0’: No such file or directory
    #> unzipping
    #> Grouper unzipped to /home/mchyzer/tmp/grouperDownload/build_mchyzer/grouper-GROUPER_2_4_0

cd ~/tmp/grouperDownload/build_mchyzer/grouper-GROUPER_2_4_0
cd grouper-parent

export PATH=~/software/apache-maven-3.3.3/bin:$PATH
export JAVA_HOME=/opt/java8

mvn -Dlicense.skip=true -DskipTests=true clean deploy -Prelease -Dadditionalparam=-Xdoclint:none | tee $LOGFILE 2>&1

The Maven step will package all the artifacts, gpg sign them (creating *.asc for all the objects) then upload them to the Sonatype staging repository

Go to and there should be a newly created grouper repository with the artifacts inside. The login and password for Sonatype can be found in ~/.m2/settings.xml.

Maven central is

Sonatype URL immediate repo: 

If the objects are all there and look ok, click the close icon to freeze the repository. At that point, you should test the objects, by trying to building something, using the staging repository as if it were the release repository. In your .m2/settings.xml, add:


        <!-- ... -->


If it builds ok, click the release icon for the repository, and then it will be moved to the official release repository. Within a few hours, it may be synchronized to other Maven repositories.

If something isn't right with the staging repository, just drop it and the Maven build will create a new one with a different increment number.

Grouper Failing Tests

TestOwnerStatus and dateReason it was failing
testIndexesGroupVivekFixedNow we are creating more folders at the startup time due to deprovisioning and they are using all the reserveIds.
testProcessMessagesHappyPathVivekFixedfake http server was being created at the wrong context.
testFindAttrDefAttributeAssignmentsChrisFixedbad security was being called
testFindAttrDefAttributeAssignmentsByValueChrisFixedbad security was being called
testFindByAttributeAssignOnAssignValuesAndPrivilegeVivekFixedNeeded to assign correct privileges to test subject
testGrouperAttestationPrivilegesVivekFixedNeeded to assign correct privileges to test subject