Systems of Record represent upstream authoritative sources of records to match. In a typical campus deployment, examples of Systems of Record would include the student system, the HR system, the alumni database, and the guest management system. Each System of Record is identified by a label used in API requests. This label should typically be a short string, such as sis or hrms.

Trust Mode

Each System of Record has a trust mode, which determines how match rules are applied within a System of Record when a new record is submitted.

Resolution Mode

Each System of Record has a resolution mode, which determines how potential matches (those that do not result in a canonical answer) are handled:

When connecting to COmanage Registry via Pipelines, the resolution mode must be set to External. However, when integrating via Enrollment Flows, the resolution must be set to Interactive.

Notification Email

When Match Rules generate potential matches in need of review, a System of Record-specific notification email address can be configured. This address will override any Matchgrid-wide address. For more details, see Reviewing Pending Matches.

Changes From Earlier Versions

As of Match v1.2.0