These are the action items from the most recent ITANA meeting.

Action Items - March 4, 2010

(AI) All - Read the material on the wiki before the next call, which will be a discussion with Shel Waggener (UC-Berkeley) on cloud computing. See the resources here:

(AI) Scott Fullerton will talk with Jasig about their work on enterprise portals and discuss where ITANA might fit in with such efforts.

Action Items - February 18, 2010

(AI) Tom and Keith will develop ESB Use Cases relative to Jasig.

Action Items - February 4, 2010

(AI) Jim plans to follow up with the email list about who has participated in specific EA training sessions.

(AI) Keith, Ron, and Jim will develop a wiki page on workflow graphical modeling tools that includes sets of facets that will allow for the evaluation and grading of the tools. Update: Keith will talk to Ron and also post some items on the wiki workflow page.

(AI) Keith will set up a call to also include Piet, Jim, Eric, and Tom - they comprise a group that will identify campuses with operating workflow management systems, will develop a common set of interview questions, and will talk with the identified campuses and write-up the results.

Completed in the past cycle

(AI) Jim Phelps will ping the CIO, CSG and ITANA lists to encourage participation in the survey.
(AI) Jim Phelps will ping the CIO, CSG and ITANA lists to encourage participation in the survey.
A message was sent to all three lists reminding them of the survey. We now have more responses than we had for the 2008 survey. I'm sure more will trickle in.
(AI) Piet Niederhausen and Scott Fullerton will meet to discuss how they will organize the "framework and architectural tools" work.
(AI) Jim Phelps will follow-up with Keith on the proposed enterprise workflow call (Mike Daley and David Walker are also interested in this).
Jim followed up with Keith and Keith is still interested in championing Enterprise Workflow / Shared Workflow Infrastructure / Business Process Management Infrastructure.
(AI) Jim Phelps will post a note on the business intelligence wiki page as to why this topic is going on hiatus.
See the wiki for the post. It is short and sweet. Let me know if there are issues. Business Intelligence