October 6, 2009
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM Central
Live Oak Conference Room
Hyatt Regency - San Antonio
NTAC Update
Paul Schopis announced that Cas D'Angelo was elected as Vice Chair of the NTAC.  His term as Vice Chair begins on January 1, 2010.   Paul also introduced Randy Frank, Internet2 CTO.
Internet2 Update
Chris Robb indicated that the back to school traffic was greater than over the previous peak in April of 2009 and the increase was split between CPS and R&E traffic related to LHC.  Although the Obama address to school children did impact CPS traffic, peers shifted to create headroom and no user experience reports were received.  He went on to add that the Kansas City to Los Angeles (via Houston) path has been augmented and is now a 20G path.  There are now six out of 13 paths at 20G on the network.  He is watching the Chicago to Washington and Atlanta to Chicago paths as the next to be upgraded.
AOAC Update
Paul Schopis mentioned that the AOAC had continued its discussion of the Internet2 Architecture document that was previously endorsed by the NTAC and the AOAC.   A couple of questions regarding the future network were discussed: a) a single platform for service delivery versus dual platform and b) layer 2/layer 3 on a single platform.  As the discussion concluded during the AOAC face-to-face meeting, the NTAC was charged by AOAC to look at MPLS as a replacement for sonet services considering the pluses and minuses and asked if the community is comfortable with moving to that.  The AOAC requested that a white paper be delivered to the AOAC by November 20, 2009.  Some discussion ensued.  It was mentioned that some sonet is being used at the core but not at the edge.  The group mentioned that there is quite a bit in the literature regarding this topic and John Moore suggested referencing what is already written articulate how it effects our community.  Cas D'Angelo volunteered to lead the effort and Paul Schopis, John Moore and Caren Litvanyi volunteered to work with him.  George Loftus, AOAC Chair, added that this particular charge is a short-term activity while the AOAC determines long-term next steps and issues and it is likely that the NTAC will be asked to provide additional technical expertise in the future.
Peering Working Group - Jeff  Bartig joined via phone.  A document was sent to the group describing a proposed architecture to combine TransitRail and CPS.  A small group met in Minneapolis in September to discuss the technical aspects of the consolidation and created the document.   Jeff explained process for providing input about the document and indicated that this will be the primary topic on the WG call in a couple of weeks.  A question was asked about the business model for the service.  Rob Vietzke and Dave Reese have been discussing it and look forward to being able to bring something to the community soon.
Linda Winkler was unable to join.  Chris Robb mentioned that there has been very little WG activity since Joint Techs meeting.  The DCN WG does meet tomorrow.  Internet2 ION service was launched.  The discussion at the WG meeting is expected to focus on the parameters of the service and to get feedback on the service.  Chris Robb expects WG to be named dcn (lower case) WG.
Routing Policy WG
Dave Farmer indicated that there is not much to report.  He needs to get this rolling and should have planned a meeting here.  He mentioned some v6 policy work being needed and may roll that in.  There is a v6 WG scheduled tomorrow morning.
Performance WG
Carla Hunt reported that there was an excellent WG meeting at the FMM in San Antonio. Chris Hawkins is the new co-chair of the group.  Rich Carlson is moving to DOE, Andy Lake going to ESnet. Carla mentioned that they have contributed to the Performance working group and will be missed.  She mentioned Internet2 has been working on a software repository and a new version of performance toolkit.  Victor Rijes (HEAnet in Ireland) talked about PERT team which is made up of representatives of NRENs in Europe to troubleshoot multidomain problems.  Discussion ensued regarding about how to start something similar in the United States.  The group expressed interest and wondered about funding to start such an effort.
ARIN Updates
Dave Farmer - lots going on with v4 exhaustion looming.  There are several active things going on in the community consultation process.  Seeking feedback to retire ARIN email templates, also resource recover and reallocation process - where you don't pay bill you have 90 days and resources held for a year - going to move that to 6 months - no need to have things jailed for a year when folks need it. Changes to ARIN RSS feed - looking for possibilities for changing and feedback for doing so.
ARIN member meeting at NANOG in two weeks, several draft policies - equiable IPV run out.  Want to make sure one big ISP doesn't take the last of ARIN address space and create a panic in the community. Open access to IPV6 trying to reduce some of the barriers.  Global policy related to ISPN blocks.  V6 multiple discrete networks,  explained how it is in v4 and making it the same for v6.  Dave talked about process for registries to return some address space and be fed out to smaller than 8 blocks.  Also miscellaneous chunks of addresses - pieces of other /8s and a process for getting those out.  Community networks IPV6 assignment that won't be discussed but has been forward on to the board by the advisory council.   Other proposals are being held - see the ARIN website.
Dave mentioned upcoming ARIN elections.  Community is losing Leah Roberts from the ARIN Advisory Council - she has done a good ten years of work and moving on. Thank her.  Dave said there are five seats open.   Nominees include: Mark Johnson and others.  If you are an ARIN member, you should vote.  Make sure your credentials are good by TOMORROW, Oct. 7th.  If you are not sure who votes for your organization, get that figured out ASAP.
Cas D'Angelo asked about ARIN voting process.  If there are five openings, you get to vote for five candidates, if you only vote for those in the community, (stuff the ballot box).  Farmer recommends it to have the intended effect you are asking for.
Paul asked about current thinking, ARIN presentation at previous MM to be out in 16 months.  Current thinking  - early to mid 2011.  Farmer said no more than 6-12 months of address space the RIRs themselves have to allocate.  Suspect most ISPs have about a year of resources.  No flag date, more of a process.  Things start getting tight in mid 2011.
Question about changes in legacy RSA.  Revisions have been made, most find language reasonable.  Farmer recommends you read it with your lawyers and strongly consider it.  Unless you can provide documentation of  your allocation other than thru ARIN, you may want to contract with ARIN to provide who is information.
Chet mentioned that the working group met yesterday. The group identified other groups (radio astronomy, for example) to involve in the phoebus and transport working groups.   At the last f2f NTAC meeting, the group talked about getting more phoebus nodes on net.  They would like to have1G interfaces for the nodes.  The group would like the NTAC to recommend that the Phoebus service be broadened to a wider area and to identify the groups to be targeted for this.
Chet also provided a report on the Radio Astronomy group.  They want to connect 10 antennas and have solved last mile problem.  They also believe that eVLBI will finally take off within a year.
Info and Infra WG
Martin Swany indicated that the ISWG is defining services to perfsonar and OSCARS.  He mentioned that three documents are being prepared: (1) use case and requirements document, (2) IP summarization document,  studying the scalability of the service, (3) finalizing the doc about the typology scheme - not the vision of the future, but a document describing what is and is not in the field now.
Paul mentioned that this is his last face-to-face meeting as chair of the NTAC.  He thanked Linda Roos for her help as flywheel and wished John and Cas all the best as they assume the chair and vice chair positions in the NTAC.

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