Transitional NTAC meeting
Nov 7, 2006

In the call:
Paul Schopis (chair)
Michael Lambert
Cort Buffington
Jose Dominguez
John Moore
Dan Magorian
Ana Preston
Rob Vietzke
Matt Zekauskas


1. Include agenda item on selection and membership criteria (for NTAC) as part of upcoming face
to face meeting

2. Rob Vietzke will work with Dan to get group convened and also will share the list as it is. Will
also work on getting first draft of possible charter together.

3. Include as agenda item a section on updates and direction of working groups (progress to
date) but also, potentially looking at work ahead in terms of new Internet2 network.

4. Rob Vietzke to send report out to NTAC

5. NTAC members: please register and also rsvp to Terri Saarinen if
planning to attend (either in person or remotely) the face to face NTAC meeting taking place
December 7, 2006 - see email sent or ask Ana for information.

6. For next call, include discussion on other topics that should be included in face to face meeting
agenda. Next call: Tuesday, November 21 at 4 p.m. ET

Pending Action items and status:

1. Ana Preston to bridge internally and get some more resources identified. Will also be setting
up web site, wiki and consolidating NTAC into new mailing list.

  • NTAC mailing list is created:
    o Suggest that after Nov 21 call, is officially
  • Wiki has been set up - please visit
    o all NTAC members should have write/post/read privileges
    o Wiki is public - NTAC can determine what pages/or specific things are only
    for distribution within NTAC
    o Notes from calls will be public

2. Rob Vietzke will facilitate the startup of a working group on commodity services to seek input
to identify issues and develop recommendations. The group will pick a chair among its
community members as it forms.
STATUS: Dan Magorian has agreed to be interim chair. Group will be convening - add
as agenda item to report back on next NTAC call.

Notes from the call:

Quick update on new Internet2 network deployment

Rob Vietzke provided a quick update on the deployment, particularly the first phase between
Washington to Chicago. Expect to be on track with timeline at

First portion to Chicago (northern part) expect to have routers up and running and colo in
locations turned over very soon.
NY<>Chicago will also be done in time for member meeting - anticipate connections and
transitions for first line of connectors to start a few days after the member meeting. Connectors
should expect to hear from the NOC to begin planning these transitions.

Alluded to network deployment schedule now posted at web pages (see above). Schedule
provides the windows by which, based on the deployment of the network, we anticipate transition
from current Abilene to new backbone.

Rob alluded briefly to some areas/hard parts and how working hard with connectors to set up
transition plans and address issues of concern transition-wise.

Membership/make up of the NTAC
Chair alluded to NTAC's goal of having representation/membership as democratic as possible
from the community (regionals/connectors, campus, other) and ideally, want to maximize that
there is as broad representation from entities in the group.

Alluded to how NTAC needs to tackle representation where 2 or more individuals represent same
organization. Discussion ensued. Some discussion about what should be the maximum number
of participants for NTAC and also, vetting/voting process(es) in place for nominations, member
selection and how community in general (and interested individuals) can participate. Ideal is to
set the foundation for the actual NTAC down the line. Discussed making sure all of these things
get discussed at face to face meeting.

ACTION: Include agenda item on selection and membership criteria (for NTAC) as part of
upcoming face to face meeting

Quick update on commodity transit and peering working group
Dan Magorian accepted acting as chair for the time being. There's already a group of people that
have agreed (or have been volunteered) to participate on this. Recognition that a charter and/or
set of definable tasks - particularly on what group wants to accomplish needs to be put together
asap and shared with NTAC.

ACTION: Rob Vietzke will work with Dan to get group convened and also will share the list
as it is. Will also work on getting first draft of possible charter together.

Existing technical working groups

Some discussion on current working groups and what groups - from engineering end of things
need to remain actively involved and process moving forward. Some discussion on having group
updates and summaries as part of face to face meeting. Rick Summerhill and Paul will be talking
about how to proceed in getting groups engaged. Paul will also be talking to Eric Boyd to get
latest on working groups he has been working on.

ACTION: include as agenda item a section on updates and direction of working groups
(progress to date) but also, potentially looking at work ahead in terms of new Internet2


CDW Workshop and Connector report

Rob Vietzke alluded to a report that will be circulated to the NTAC that has a first draft summary
of the findings and themes from the round of calls between CDW workshop and August with
connectors. Report will be sent to the NTAC along with specific notations for the group

ACTION: Rob Vietzke to send report out and NTAC to provide input and/or contact
Rob/Ana in case there are questions on this.

Other things discussed briefly included: challenges within Internet2 in communicating and issues
of concern with RONs and connectors and suggestion that Internet2 be more open about
providing information on what services and implications are being discussed.

Some discussion around the "issues" that could turn out to be quite fascinating technical issues to
work jointly, i.e., DWDM interoperability

NTAC face to face meeting to be taking place on December 7, 2006 in Chicago, following
the Internet2 member meeting.

ACTION: please register and also rsvp to Terri Saarinen <> if
planning to attend (either in person or remotely)

ACTION: for next call, include discussion on other topics that should be included in face
to face meeting agenda.

Next call: Tuesday, November 21 at 4 p.m. ET

Respectfully submitted,

Ana Preston

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