Identity Week Proposal Deadline May 30
May 30, 2014, is the deadline for proposal submissions for the 2014 Identity Week, which will be part of the Technology Exchange, October 26-30, in Indianapolis.
We're specifically encouraging proposals for what we have been calling CAMP 201, which will include these broad topic areas:
- increasing the value of InCommon participation
- trust and privacy in identity
- support for teaching and learning
- simplifying the deployment of Identity and Access Management
What experiences have you had on your campus? What are your successes (and, yes, your failures, for we can learn from those, too)? What have you implemented or considered as you refine your approach to identity management and federation?
Please consider submitting a proposal – whether it is something specific to your campus, something that has perhaps involved other campuses or collaborations, a working group, or the like.
Your proposals will be an important part of the CAMP portion of the meeting (October 29-30), which will appeal to identity architects, developers, and implementers.
You will find the call for proposals at the Technology Exchange website: