The NET+ Splunk Service Advisory Board is excited to announce a call on Baylor’s migration to Splunk Cloud after adding Splunk Cloud to the NET+ program!

The agenda for the call is:

1. Introduction to the call, announcements, reminder the call is being recorded, etc

2. NET+ Splunk program updates

3. Baylor’s migration to Splunk Cloud

4. Open question and discussion

Let me know if you have questions or would like to share anything interesting you’ve done or are planning for your campus Splunk implementation.

The presentation for the call: NET+ Splunk community call-09-28-2023.pdf

The recording for the call: GMT20230928-180610_Recording_1920x1120.mp4

Links shared during the presentation:

  1. Splunk Workshops
  2. Academic License Application Pledge for Good | Splunk

Please contact Nick Lewis <> if you have any questions about the call.

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