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This how-to describes how to set up a Grouper development environment so that you can code, test, and debug Grouper.

This page is specific to Grouper 2.5. 

 Instructions for Grouper 2.4 are found at 
How to Setup a Grouper Development Environment for Grouper 2.4. 

The example commands and screenshots are from MacOS and Eclipse, and may vary slightly for different environments. However, the overall process should be similar on any modern operating system and development tool chain. Developers can use whatever tools that let them work most efficiently.


Git for source code version control

  1. Install Git

    1. (Mac) Command line installs

      1. $ brew install git


      3. Or Install from package

    2. Eclipse IDE plugin
    3. Github Desktop is also handy

Java - Grouper runs on Java

  1. Install OpenJDK 8 or above. Grouper runs on Java.

  2. Note: do not use Java language features above Java 8 for most of Grouper - grouper, grouper-ui, grouper-ws, etc. The grouperClient code must be compliant with Java 6.

Apache Tomee - Grouper runs in Tomee

  1. Download and unpack Tomee webprofile 7.0.7.  Note: Grouper runs in tomcat 8.5, which is what tomee 7.07 has


  • One option: Docker Desktop - to run our development database
  1. Install Docker Desktop. We’ll use this to run our development database.
  • or  You could just use hsql
  • or Install mysql or postgres or use external database (external will be slow)

Eclipse - Grouper development happens in Eclipse (or your favorite IDE)

  1. Install Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers or similar IDE
  2. Make sure you have the latest eclipse (2020) or upgrade your current eclipse

Clone the Grouper Source Repository

The Grouper source code repository is managed in GitHub at

  1. D:\mchyzer\git>git clone

Note: The build strategy changed for the 2.5 release. Switching between 2.4 and 2.5 branches in the same directory and workspace when developing is not recommended. Instead, keep 2.4 and 2.5 work in separate local directories each with their git repository and their own eclipse workspace. For 2.4 development see How to Setup a Grouper Development Environment for Grouper 2.4.

Import Projects into Eclipse

Start a new eclipse workspace and import grouper modules as individual projects. Project will import as Maven projects and automatically download the required Maven dependencies. The example commands below assume the git repository was cloned to the local directory 'D:\mchyzer\git\grouper_v2_5'.

  1. Make a variable for the root of the git repo called GIT_ROOT: e.g. for D:\mchyzer\git\grouper
  2. Import grouper-parent
    1. Eclipse -> File -> Import → Maven → Existing Maven Project
    2. Import source: ${GIT_ROOT}/grouper-parent
  3. That should automatically import all grouper projects

Run the maven grouper-parent clean and install (you can right click in eclipse on the pom and run as: maven clean, then install).  you might need to delete .m2/repository/* if it is corrupt

[INFO] Reactor Summary for Grouper 2.5.0-SNAPSHOT:
[INFO] Grouper ............................................ SUCCESS [  1.632 s]
[INFO] Grouper Client ..................................... SUCCESS [  3.659 s]
[INFO] Grouper API ........................................ SUCCESS [  9.454 s]
[INFO] Grouper SCIM ....................................... SUCCESS [  0.256 s]
[INFO] Grouper UI ......................................... SUCCESS [  2.295 s]
[INFO] Grouper WS Parent .................................. SUCCESS [  0.063 s]
[INFO] Grouper WS ......................................... SUCCESS [  3.129 s]
[INFO] Grouper WS Generated Client ........................ SUCCESS [  5.320 s]
[INFO] Grouper WS Manual Client ........................... SUCCESS [  0.825 s]
[INFO] Grouper WS Test .................................... SUCCESS [  0.098 s]
[INFO] Grouper Installer .................................. SUCCESS [  8.198 s]
[INFO] Grouper AMQ ........................................ SUCCESS [  0.853 s]
[INFO] Grouper Rabbitmq ................................... SUCCESS [  6.950 s]
[INFO] Grouper AWS Messaging .............................. SUCCESS [  9.099 s]
[INFO] Grouper PSP-NG ..................................... SUCCESS [  0.389 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

If there are problems in a project, you might need to right click, and do Maven → Update project

When you do that, the first time, check the box to update project configuration.  In all subsequent times, do NOT have the box checked to update project configuration from pom, or your settings will get undone

All the projects should now be open and compiled.

Link conf to grouper client project

This is one of the main tricks.  In my eclipse, the "conf" dir is excluded due to the pom.xml in maven

Link the conf dir (even though its already a source folder) in java build path


Link source and conf to grouper project

We want to be able to run and debug the Grouper so that it picks up client source changes as you develop.  Also needs the grouper conf per above

  1. Link source: ${GIT_ROOT}/grouper-misc/grouperClient/src/java    →      GROUPER_CLIENT_SOURCE
  2. Link source: ${GIT_ROOT}/grouper-misc/grouperClient/conf    →     GROUPER_CLIENT_CONF
  3. Link source: ${PROJECT_LOC}/conf   →   GROUPER_CONF

Start HSQL (or whatever database)

Make a java application: 

  • Project: grouper
  • Class:
  • Arguments: -port 9001 -database.0 file:hsql/grouperHSQL -dbname.0 grouper

Get grouper UI Jars

First off, we need all the jars.  You need to do this in the future if you have any class not found exceptions or weird errors, goals:  dependency:copy-dependencies

All jars are not in target/dependency

Link source and conf to grouper-ui project

We want to be able to run and debug the Grouper UI from the grouper-ui/webapp folder, so that we can work on webapp artifacts (JSPs, etc), and at the same time update Java code in the grouper project and other code locations. To do this we will update the Java Build Path output folder so that compiled classes and other artifacts go to the right directories under grouper-ui/webapp. We will also add some dependent source and library folders to the grouper-ui Java Build Path.

  1. grouper-ui -> File -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Source tab
    1. Set ‘Default output folder:’ to: grouper-ui/webapp/WEB-INF/classes (you may have to create this directory)
  2. Add dependent source and configuration folders to the grouper-ui Java Build Path
    1. Link source: ${GIT_ROOT}/grouper-misc/grouperClient/src/java    →      GROUPER_CLIENT_SOURCE
    2. Link source: ${GIT_ROOT}/grouper-misc/grouperClient/conf    →     GROUPER_CLIENT_CONF
    3. Link source: ${PROJECT_LOC}/conf   →   GROUPER_UI_CONF
    4. Link source: ${GIT_ROOT}/grouper/conf   →   GROUPER_CONF
    5. Link source: ${GIT_ROOT}/grouper/src/grouper     →     GROUPER_SOURCE
    6. Link source: ${PROJECT_LOC}/target/dependency    →    GROUPER_UI_JARS
      1. Output folder for jars is: webapp/WEB-INF/lib     (create the folder)
  3. Make sure all folders except ‘grouper-ui/java/test’ are using the default output folder
  4. Make sure grouper-ui/conf has ‘Excluded:’ set to (None)   (Note, this gets changed back for Chris, so ignore it)
  5. Remove srcPoc and misc source folders (these are not needed)

The grouper-ui Java Build Path should now look something like this:

Add Grouper project as build path project

In Grouper project, export all the maven dependencies in build path

Configure Eclipse Code Formatter

  1. Eclipse -> Preferences -> Java Code Style -> Formatter
  2. Import… (navigate and select ../grouper-2.4/grouper/misc/eclipse/fastFormat.xml)
  3. Apply and close

4. Look in Eclipse config and change all tabs to 2 spaces for indenting (search for "tab")

5. Disable folding

6. Disable spell check

Development Database

Multiple databases are supported including Oracle, mySQL, and PostgreSQL. We’ll use PostgreSQL for this how-to. The steps for other databases would be similar.

Start the development database

Running Postgres in Docker on a Windows Host

Postgres' docker image runs the database as an unprivileged user postgres. The container's startup script attempts to chown /var/lib/postgresql/data folder to this user. In Docker Desktop for Windows, this causes the script to throw an error and exit.  Bind volumes cannot easily have their ownership changed from within the container running on a Windows host.  The workaround for this is creating a named volume instead.

We will run postgres with a mounted external volume to preserve data between docker container restarts.

  1. Create a named volume 'docker create volume grouper-postgres'
  2. Run ‘docker run --name grouperdb -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=grouper -e POSTGRES_USER=grouper -d -p 5432:5432 -v grouper-postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data postgres’

Connect to development database in Eclipse

  1. Window -> Perspective -> Open Perspective -> Other -> Database Development -> Open
  2. Right click ‘Database Connections’ and create PostgreSQL connection profile
  3. Add the postgess JDBC driver found in under ../grouper/grouper-ui/target/dependency

  4. Enter the connection details and then click Test Connection

Configure minimum properties files for development

Create and configure the for postgres (for example)

  1. cd ../grouper-2.4/grouper/conf
  3. Edit ../grouper/grouper/conf/

Example for HSQL database: make a file grouper/conf/

## DB settings

# e.g. mysql:           jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/grouper?useSSL=false
# e.g. p6spy (log sql): [use the URL that your DB requires]
# e.g. oracle:
# e.g. hsqldb (a):      jdbc:hsqldb:dist/run/grouper;create=true
# e.g. hsqldb (b):      jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/grouper
# e.g. postgres:        jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/database
# e.g. mssql:           jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:3280;databaseName=grouper
hibernate.connection.url = jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9001/grouper

hibernate.connection.username         = sa
# If you are using an empty password, depending upon your version of
# Java and Ant you may need to specify a password of "".
# Note: you can keep passwords external and encrypted:
hibernate.connection.password         = 

Create and configure

  1. cd .../grouper-2.4/grouper/conf
  2. cp .../misc/  
  3. Edit .../grouper/grouper/conf/
  4. encrypt.key = not_a_random_key
  • Make a file grouper/conf/  (make up an encrypt.key or generate alphanumeric from password generator)
## Encryption configuration

# Put a random alphanumeric string (Case sensitive) for the password encryption.  e.g. fh43IRJ4Nf5jn4Qp9k2
# or put a filename where the random alphanumeric string is.  e.g. c:/whatever/key.txt
# use encrypt.key.elConfig instead if the config has an expression language scriptlet
encrypt.key = abcndme45jg32fj32JNdQ23

  • Copy grouper/conf/ to

Add a GrouperSystem basic auth password

Run this in GrouperShell (run again with no args)

    GrouperSession grouperSession = GrouperSession.startRootSession();
    GrouperPasswordSave grouperPasswordSave = new GrouperPasswordSave();
    new Authentication().assignUserPassword(grouperPasswordSave);

groovy:000> :gshFileLoad 'D:\mchyzer\git\grouper_v2_5\grouper\temp\addUser.gsh'
===> 8d2b86db8f2541f181d862af1aa3c6c3,'GrouperSystem','application'
===> edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.authentication.GrouperPasswordSave@738a39cc
===> edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.authentication.GrouperPasswordSave@738a39cc
===> edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.authentication.GrouperPasswordSave@738a39cc
===> null
groovy:000> :exit

  • Run GrouperShell, and init db


Make a grouper/conf/


# enter the location of the sources.xml.  Must start with classpath: or file:
# blank means dont use sources.xml, use
# default is: classpath:sources.xml
# e.g. file:/dir1/dir2/sources.xml
subject.sources.xml.location = 

## Configuration for source id: jdbc
## Source configName: jdbc
######################################### = jdbc

# this is a friendly name for the source = Example JDBC Source Adapter

# type is not used all that much.  Can have multiple types, comma separate.  Can be person, group, application
subjectApi.source.jdbc.types = person

# the adapter class implements the interface: edu.internet2.middleware.subject.Source
# adapter class must extend: edu.internet2.middleware.subject.provider.BaseSourceAdapter
# edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJdbcSourceAdapter2  :  if doing JDBC this should be used if possible.  All subject data in one table/view.
# edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJdbcSourceAdapter   :  oldest JDBC source.  Put freeform queries in here
# edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJndiSourceAdapter   :  used for LDAP
subjectApi.source.jdbc.adapterClass = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJdbcSourceAdapter

subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.jdbcConnectionProvider.value = edu.internet2.middleware.grouper.subj.GrouperJdbcConnectionProvider

subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.emailAttributeName.value = email

# maximum number of results from a search, generally no need to get more than 1000
subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.maxResults.value = 1000

subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.maxPageSize.value = 100

# ldap attribute which is the subject id.  e.g. exampleEduRegID   Each subject has one and only one subject id.  Generally it is opaque and permanent.
subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.SubjectID_AttributeType.value = id

# attribute which is the subject name
subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.Name_AttributeType.value = name

# attribute which is the subject description
subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.Description_AttributeType.value = description

# This virtual attribute index 0 is accessible via: subject.getAttributeValue("searchAttribute0");
subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.subjectVirtualAttribute_0_searchAttribute0.value = ${},${subjectUtils.defaultIfBlank(subject.getAttributeValue('LFNAME'), "")},${subjectUtils.defaultIfBlank(subject.getAttributeValue('LOGINID'), "")},${subjectUtils.defaultIfBlank(subject.description, "")},${subjectUtils.defaultIfBlank(subject.getAttributeValue('EMAIL'), "")}

# the 1st sort attribute for lists on screen that are derived from member table (e.g. search for member in group)
# you can have up to 5 sort attributes 
subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.sortAttribute0.value = LFNAME

# the 2nd sort attribute for lists on screen that are derived from member table (e.g. search for member in group)
# you can have up to 5 sort attributes 
subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.sortAttribute1.value = LOGINID

# the 1st search attribute for lists on screen that are derived from member table (e.g. search for member in group)
# you can have up to 5 search attributes 
subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.searchAttribute0.value = searchAttribute0

subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.useInClauseForIdAndIdentifier.value = true

subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.identifierAttributes.value = LOGINID

# subject identifier to store in grouper's member table.  this is used to increase speed of loader and perhaps for provisioning
# you can have up to max 1 subject identifier
subjectApi.source.jdbc.param.subjectIdentifierAttribute0.value = LOGINID

#searchSubject: find a subject by ID.  ID is generally an opaque and permanent identifier, e.g. 12345678.
#  Each subject has one and only on ID.  Returns one result when searching for one ID.

# sql is the sql to search for the subject by id should use an {inclause} = select    s.subjectid as id, as name,    (select sa2.value from subjectattribute sa2 where name='name' and sa2.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as lfname,    (select sa3.value from subjectattribute sa3 where name='loginid' and sa3.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as loginid,    (select sa4.value from subjectattribute sa4 where name='description' and sa4.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as description,    (select sa5.value from subjectattribute sa5 where name='email' and sa5.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as email from    subject s where    {inclause}

# inclause allows searching by subject for multiple ids or identifiers in one query, must have {inclause} in the sql query,
#    this will be subsituted to in clause with the following.  Should use a question mark ? for bind variable = s.subjectid = ?

#searchSubjectByIdentifier: find a subject by identifier.  Identifier is anything that uniquely
#  identifies the user, e.g. jsmith or
#  Subjects can have multiple identifiers.  Note: it is nice to have if identifiers are unique
#  even across sources.  Returns one result when searching for one identifier.

# sql is the sql to search for the subject by identifier should use an {inclause} = select    s.subjectid as id, as name,    (select sa2.value from subjectattribute sa2 where name='name' and sa2.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as lfname,    (select sa3.value from subjectattribute sa3 where name='loginid' and sa3.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as loginid,    (select sa4.value from subjectattribute sa4 where name='description' and sa4.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as description,    (select sa5.value from subjectattribute sa5 where name='email' and sa5.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as email from    subject s, subjectattribute a where'loginid' and s.subjectid = a.subjectid and {inclause}

# inclause allows searching by subject for multiple ids or identifiers in one query, must have {inclause} in the sql query,
#    this will be subsituted to in clause with the following.  Should use a question mark ? for bind variable = a.value = ?

#   search: find subjects by free form search.  Returns multiple results.

# sql is the sql to search for the subject free-form search.  user question marks for bind variables = select    s.subjectid as id, as name,    (select sa2.value from subjectattribute sa2 where name='name' and sa2.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as lfname,    (select sa3.value from subjectattribute sa3 where name='loginid' and sa3.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as loginid,    (select sa4.value from subjectattribute sa4 where name='description' and sa4.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as description,    (select sa5.value from subjectattribute sa5 where name='email' and sa5.SUBJECTID = s.subjectid) as email from    subject s where    s.subjectid in (       select subjectid from subject where lower(name) like concat('%',concat(?,'%')) union       select subjectid from subjectattribute where searchvalue like concat('%',concat(?,'%'))    )

# internal attributes are used by grouper only not exposed to code that uses subjects.  comma separated
subjectApi.source.jdbc.internalAttributes = searchAttribute0

Bootstrap the Grouper Database

For development purposes, we’ll bootstrap the Grouper database, add sample subjects, and reset the database using a few Java classes.

Run GrouperShell from Eclipse to initialize the Grouper database:

  1. Right click GrouperShell in the Grouper project explorer
  2. Select ‘Run as’ and then ‘Run Configurations…’
  3. Name: GrouperShell -registry -runscript -noprompt
  4. (x) = Arguments tab
    1. Program arguments: -registry -runscript -noprompt
  5. Classpath tab
    1. Highlight User Entries and click ‘Advanced…’
    1. Add the ‘conf’ folder to the classpath for the properties files
  6. Click ‘Apply’
  7. Click ‘Run’

Run GrouperShell from Eclipse to check the Grouper database:

  1. Right click GrouperShell in grouper project explorer
  2. Select ‘Run as’ and then ‘Run Configurations…’
    1. Name: GrouperShell -registry -check -noprompt
  3. (x) = Arguments tab
    1. -registry -check -noprompt
    1. Program arguments:
  4. Classpath tab
    1. Highlight User Entries and click ‘Advanced…’
    2. Add the ‘conf’ folder to the classpath
  5. Click ‘Apply’
  6. Click ‘Run’

Run RegistryReset with ‘justAddSubjects’ as an argument to add sample subjects:

  1. Right click RegistryReset in grouper project explorer
  2. Select ‘Run as’ and then ‘Run Configurations…’
    1. Name: RegistryReset justAddSubjects
  3. (x) = Arguments tab
    1. Program arguments:
      1. justAddSubjects
  4. Classpath tab
    1. Highlight User Entries and click ‘Advanced…’
    2. Add the ‘conf’ folder to the classpath
    3. Click ‘Apply’
  5. Click ‘Run’

Query the subjects table from the Eclipse Data Source Explorer to see the added subjects:

Run grouper-ui in Eclipse with Tomcat

Now that we have a Grouper database and some test subjects, the next step is to add the grouper-ui/webapp directory to the Eclipse Tomcat launcher so we can run and debug the grouper-ui.

Replace the tomee/lib/hsql jar with the one from grouper-ui/target/dependency

Add Tomcat server to Eclipse:

  1. Eclipse -> J2EE Perspective -> Servers Tab
  2. Click “No servers are available. Click this link to create a new server…”
    1. Select 'Tomcat v8.5'
    2. Select your tomee installation directory
    3. Select your JRE

Add grouper-ui web module to Tomcat Server

  1. Double click on Tomcat v8.5 at localhost [Stopped, Republish] to access configuration panel
  2. Click on ‘Modules’ tab, click ‘Add External Web Module…”

Configure Server Location

  1. Select ‘Use Tomcat installation (takes control Tomcat installation)

Configure Tomcat Server Working Directory to direct Grouper logs

  1. Servers tab -> Overview -> click on “Open launch configuration”
  2. (x)= Arguments tab
  3. Working directory:
    1. Select grouper-ui/webapp/WEB-INF
    1. Choose Other
    2. Click Workspace…

Grouper logs will now show up under ../grouper-ui/webapp/WEB-INF/logs

Run Grouper from Eclipse

Start Tomcat from Eclipse by selecting the server under the Servers tab and clicking the green ‘Run’ button.

Grouper UI should be available at http://localhost:8080/grouper. You should be able to log in with GrouperSystem or any of the test subjects and no password.

Debug Grouper from Eclipse

  1. Set a breakpoint in line #114
  2. Start the server in debug mode
  3. Login and try to search in the Grouper UI
    1. This should hit the breakpoint in Eclipse and allow you step through the code.

Congrats! You now have a working Grouper development environment. Now go check out Grouper developers coding standards and then pick up some JIRAs!

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