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InCommon reviews all applications from potential R&S service providers. The InCommon Technical Advisory Committee and the InCommon Steering Committee review and approve the requests. Visit the Federation Info pages for a complete list of all R&S service providers.


What is the R&S attribute bundle?

The R&S category defines the following attribute bundle:

  • personal identifiers: e-mail address, person name, eduPersonPrincipalName
  • pseudonymous identifier: eduPersonTargetedID
  • affiliation: eduPersonScopedAffiliation

where e-mail address refers to the mail attribute and person name refers to displayName and optionally givenName and surName.

a bundle of attributes that SPs choose from. InCommon identity providers that support R&S release some a minimal subset of this attribute bundle to R&S category SPs. Sites are strongly encouraged to configure their IdPs to support R&SDetailed deployment considerations for IdP site administrators are provided elsewhere in this wiki.

Do all R&S SPs require all attributes in the bundle?


An IdP has at least three deployment options (in increasing order of deployment difficulty):

  1. Release a fixed subset of the R&S bundle (or the R&S bundle itself) for to all SPs
  2. Release a fixed subset of the R&S bundle (or the R&S bundle itself) for to all R&S SPs (leveraging an entity attribute in SP metadata)
  3. Release a precise varying subset of the R&S bundle for to each R&S SP (depending on an SP-by-SP basis requested attributes in SP metadata)

The Shibboleth IdP software supports either of the first two options out-of-the-box. The latter option requires a special plugin at the Shibboleth IdP. Deployment options are discussed more thoroughly in the wiki.
