Versions Compared


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This is a work in progresslive document. If you encounter issues, please let us know via the #incommon-midpoint Internet2 Slack channel or via email to inctrust-si

Table of Contents



Code Block
$ git clone
$ cd midPoint_container/demo/simple
$ docker-compose up


The above commands download tier/TAP midpoint image from the Docker hubInternet2's enterprise github. Alternatively, you can build this image yourself. Here is how:

Code Block
$ git clone
$ cd midPoint_container
$ ./
$ cd demo/simple
$ docker-compose up


Now you can log into midPoint using https://localhost:8443/midpoint URL, with an user of administrator and a password of 5ecr3t. If you are using midPoint 4.8.1 or greater please check the documentation on how to set an initial password. 

Beyond the simple demo

Besides the midPoint image itself, and the simple demo discussed above, the project contains demonstrations that integrate midPoint with selected other components

Demonstration Instruction PagesDescription
demo/simpleThe simplest use of midPoint: just running it along with a dockerized MariaDB repository.
demo/shibbolethShows how to use midPoint with the Shibboleth authentication.
demo/postgresqlDemonstration of how to use an alternative repository (PostgreSQL running in a Docker container) instead of MariaDB-based one.
demo/extrepoDemonstration of how to use externally hosted repository instead of MariaDB-based one. It also shows database schema version mismatch detection as well as automated upgrade procedure.
demo/grouperThis is a demonstration of the use of midPoint image in a wider environment consisting of Grouper, Shibboleth, LDAP directory, RabbitMQ messaging, and sample source and target systems. For a step-by-step walk-through, see the Grouper Integration Demo page.

Configuring the container (general information)
