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This is a work in progress.

In the TIER/midPoint_container GitHub project there are artifacts needed to build and deploy dockerized version of midPoint suitable to use within the TIER IdM environment.

This is the status of the work:


live document. If you encounter issues, please let us know via the #incommon-midpoint Internet2 Slack channel or via email to

Table of Contents


This page shows how to get started with a Docker image for the midPoint component of the InCommon Trusted Access Platform.


In order to set up and run this container and associated demonstrations, you need a Linux machine with a reasonably recent Docker and docker-compose installation. The most advanced demo/grouper optionally uses an LDAP browser, e.g. Apache Directory Studio that itself requires Java.

This container and demos were tested on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS with

  • Docker 18.06.1-ce,
  • docker-compose 1.17.1 (and 1.22.0),
  • libxml2-utils package (in order to have xmllint command available),
  • Apache Directory Studio 2.0.0.v20170904-M13 with OpenJDK 8.

The LDAP browser is really optional. It is used only to check that LDAP objects are created correctly. You can safely proceed without it.

It seems that the usual way of installation via e.g. apt-get does not always guarantee sufficiently recent versions of Docker and docker-compose. To have the latest stable versions you can use procedures described here:

Also, make sure appropriate ports are available on the host machine. They are listed in the documentation to individual demonstrations; usually they are 8443 and 3306, sometimes 389, 443, or 5432. The demo/grouper needs even more free ports, please see the description.

Getting started (simple demo)

The image cannot be "run" by itself as it requires a midPoint repository - i.e. an SQL database - to execute. So the easiest way to start dockerized midPoint is to use one of the provided demonstrations. The most logical choice for just getting started with midPoint is demo/simple.

Code Block
$ git clone
$ cd midPoint_container/demo/simple
$ docker-compose up

Building own images

The above commands download TAP midpoint image from Internet2's enterprise github. Alternatively, you can build this image yourself. Here is how:

Code Block
$ git clone
$ cd midPoint_container
$ ./
$ cd demo/simple
$ docker-compose up

(Note the has a -n switch that skips downloading the midPoint distribution archive, saving some time during repeated builds.)

After starting

After docker-compose up command successfully finishes you should see something like this on the console:

Code Block
midpoint_server_1  | midpoint;midpoint.log;demo;;2018-09-20 16:25:22,191 [] [main] INFO (org.springframework.boot.web.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer): Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) 9090 (http) with context path '/midpoint'
midpoint_server_1  | midpoint;midpoint.log;demo;;2018-09-20 16:25:22,209 [] [main] INFO (com.evolveum.midpoint.web.boot.MidPointSpringApplication): Started MidPointSpringApplication in 60.512 seconds (JVM running for 61.688)

Now you can log into midPoint using https://localhost:8443/midpoint URL, with an user of administrator and a password of 5ecr3t. If you are using midPoint 4.8.1 or greater please check the documentation on how to set an initial password

Beyond the simple demo

Besides the midPoint image itself, and the simple demo discussed above, the project contains demonstrations that integrate midPoint with selected other components

Demonstration Instruction PagesDescription
demo/simpleThe simplest use of midPoint: just running it along with a dockerized MariaDB repository.
demo/shibbolethShows how to use midPoint with the Shibboleth authentication.
demo/postgresqlDemonstration of how to use an alternative repository (PostgreSQL running in a Docker container) instead of MariaDB-based one.
demo/extrepoDemonstration of how to use externally hosted repository instead of MariaDB-based one. It also shows database schema version mismatch detection as well as automated upgrade procedure.
demo/grouperThis is a demonstration of the use of midPoint image in a wider environment consisting of Grouper, Shibboleth, LDAP directory, RabbitMQ messaging, and sample source and target systems. For a step-by-step walk-through, see the Grouper Integration Demo page.

Configuring the container (general information)

The lowest level of configuration of the midPoint container is during its inclusion into a Docker composition. There is the full set of environment properties and other configurable items (e.g. Docker secrets and configs) available.

During the composition some of the environment properties can be made accessible from the outside. This depends strictly on the compositor. The demonstrations here show some of the options.

How to set environment variables after composition is done

After the composition is done, you can set the environment variables like this:

Code Block
$ export ENV="test" USERTOKEN="4.0.1" MP_MEM="4096m"
$ docker-compose up

Or like this:

Code Block
$ env ENV="test" USERTOKEN="4.0.1" MP_MEM="4096m" docker-compose up

How to set Docker secrets and configs

The way of accessing secrets and configs is specific to the composition. In our demonstrations these are stored in the configs-and-secrets directory. They are provided to midPoint containers in appropriate ways. (Currently, secrets are passed as Docker secrets, configs are mounted as volumes. This might be changed in the future.) For detailed information on individual items please see the following sections.

Configuring specific container features

In this section we describe how to configure and use specific features of this midPoint dockerization.




Logging feature

Logging is configured by setting the following environment variables: either from the command line or from docker-compose.yml (see commented-out examples in the provided file).


According to the specification, semicolons in these fields are eliminated (replaced by underscores). The same is done for spaces in ENV and USERTOKEN.


Repository configuration is done via the following environment variables.

Environment variableMeaningDefault value
REPO_DATABASE_TYPEType of the database. Supported values are mariadbmysqlpostgresqlsqlserveroracle. It is possible to use H2 as well but it H2 is strongly disregarded inappropriate for production use.mariadb
REPO_JDBC_URLURL of the database.

MariaDB: jdbc:mariadb://$REPO_HOST:$REPO_PORT/$REPO_DATABASE?characterEncoding=utf8

MySQL: jdbc:mysql://$REPO_HOST:$REPO_PORT/$REPO_DATABASE?characterEncoding=utf8

PostgreSQL: jdbc:postgresql://$REPO_HOST:$REPO_PORT/$REPO_DATABASE

SQL Server: jdbc:sqlserver://$REPO_HOST:$REPO_PORT;database=$REPO_DATABASE

Oracle: jdbc:oracle:thin:@$REPO_HOST:$REPO_PORT/xe(in the future we might construct default values for this URL depending on the DB type)

REPO_HOSTHost of the database. Used to construct the URL.midpoint-_data
REPO_PORTPort of the database. Used to construct the URL.3306, 5432, 1433, 1521 for MariaDB/MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server and Oracle, respectively
REPO_DATABASESpecific database to connect to. Used to construct the URL.midpointregistry
REPO_USERUser under which the connection to the database is made.rootregistry_user
REPO_PASSWORD_FILEFile (e.g. holding a docker secret) that contains the password for the db connection./run/secrets/mmp_database_password.txt (TODO)

Docker secrets


Shibboleth integration

REPO_MISSING_SCHEMA_ACTIONWhat should midPoint do if the database schema is missing (options: warnstopcreate).create
REPO_UPGRADEABLE_SCHEMA_ACTIONWhat should midPoint do if the database schema is obsolete but upgradeable (options: warnstopupgrade). As of midPoint 4.0, the only automated transition available is from 3.8 to 3.9.stop
REPO_SCHEMA_VERSION_IF_MISSINGFor midPoint versions before 3.9 that do not have schema information explicitly stored in the database, this parameter allows specifying the version externally. It can be used for automated upgrade from 3.8 to 3.9. (In such cases, specify it to be 3.8, assuming this is your schema version.)

Used to specify what schema variant is to be used for automated creation or upgrade of the database schema. Currently the only known variant is utf8mb4 for MySQL/MariaDB.

Beware: it is the administrator's responsibility to choose the correct variant! Currently midPoint does not try to determine the variant present in the database. So be sure to avoid applying e.g. mysql-upgrade-3.8-3.9-utf8mb4.sql if the database is not in utf8mb4 character set, or vice versa.

For automatic schema creation and upgrade options please see Schema creation and updating section in midPoint documentation.

Note that in order to connect to the database you have to provide the password. For security reasons, we use the indirect way through file access. So, typically you provide the following Docker secret:

SecretMeaningTypical location in demonstration scenarios
mp_database_password.txtA password used to access the repository (relates to REPO_USER).configs-and-secrets/midpoint/application/database_password.txt

Of course, you can provide the password file in any other way, assuming you correctly set REPO_PASSWORD_FILE environment variable.


Logging is configured by setting the following environment variables:

Environment variableMeaningDefault value
ENVenvironment (e.g. prod, dev, test)demo
USERTOKENarbitrary user-supplied token

According to the specification, semicolons and spaces in these fields are eliminated. We decided to replace them by underscores.


This midPoint dockerization supports two authentication mechanisms.

internalUsers are authenticated against midPoint repository. Login name to be used is the name property of the user, and the password is credentials/password/value property.
shibbolethUsers are authenticated against Shibboleth IdP. This is ensured using Shibboleth SP (service provider) module for Apache httpd configured as reverse proxy for midPoint.

Authentication configuration is done using the following environment variables.

Environment variableMeaningDefault value
AUTHENTICATIONAuthentication mechanism to useinternal
LOGOUT_URLURL to be used for logout (used for Shibboleth authentication)https://localhost:8443/Shibboleth.sso/Logout
SSO_HEADERShibboleth attribute to be used as a login identifier. It is matched against name property of the user when logging in. When changing it, do not forget to change your Shibboleth IdP configuration as well as midPoint's shibboleth2.xml configuration file.uid

Note that besides these variables you have to provide the following files. They are necessary for the Shibboleth service provider module.

FileDescriptionTypical location in demonstration scenarios
/etc/shibboleth/idp-metadata.xmlMetadata related to Shibboleth identity providerconfigs-and-secrets/midpoint/shibboleth/idp-metadata.xml
/etc/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xmlService provider configurationconfigs-and-secrets/midpoint/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml
/etc/shibboleth/sp-cert.pemService provider certificates fileconfigs-and-secrets/midpoint/shibboleth/sp-cert.pem

And the following Docker secrets are to be provided:

SecretDescriptionTypical location in demonstration scenarios
mp_sp-key.pemService provider private keyconfigs-and-secrets/midpoint/shibboleth/sp-key.pem


Other aspects can be configured using the following variables and Docker secrets or configs.

Environment variableMeaningDefault value
MP_MEM_MAXThe limit for Java heap memory (-Xmx setting)2048m
MP_MEM_INITThe initial amount of Java heap memory (-Xms setting)1024m
MP_JAVA_OPTSAny other Java options to be passed to midPoint


File (e.g. holding a docker secret) that contains the password for the midPoint keystore/run/secrets/mp_keystore_password.txt
MP_DIRmidPoint home directory. Do not change until absolutely necessary, as the change might break many things./opt/midpoint
TIMEZONEName of the time zone to be set for the container upon startup. E.g. US/Central.UTC

Other files that are necessary for this midPoint container to function are:

/etc/pki/tls/certs/host-cert.pemHost certificate for Apache httpdconfigs-and-secrets/midpoint/httpd/host-cert.pem
/etc/pki/tls/certs/cachain.pemCertificate chain for Apache httpdconfigs-and-secrets/midpoint/httpd/host-cert.pem

And the following Docker secrets are to be provided:

mp_host-key.pemsecretPrivate key for Apache httpdconfigs-and-secrets/midpoint/httpd/host-key.pem
mp_keystore_password.txtsecretJava keystore password used by midPoint e.g. to encrypt sensitive information stored in the repository.configs-and-secrets/midpoint/application/keystore_password.txt

Guiding requirements for this project: TIER Docker Container Specification
