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Code Block
## Deprovisioning

# if deprovisioning should be enabled
deprovisioning.enable = true

# comma separated realms for deprovisioning e.g. employee, student, etc
# these need to be alphanumeric suitable for properties keys for further config or for group extensions
deprovisioning.realms = 

# Group name of the group that identifies generally if an entity is 
# in this realm. So if a group is deprovisioned 
# by various realms, then only deprovision if the entity in the group 
# is not in any realm eligible group. 
# e.g. VPN is deprovisioned by realms employee and student. If the person 
# is no longer an employee, but is still 
# a student, then dont deprovision.
# deprovisioning.realm_<realmName>.groupNameMeansInRealm = a:b:c
# deprovisioning.realm_employee.groupNameMeansInRealm = community:employee

# folder where system objects are for deprovisioning
# e.g. managersWhoCanDeprovision_<realmName>
# e.g. usersWhoHaveBeenDeprovisioned_<realmName>
deprovisioning.systemFolder = $$grouper.rootStemForBuiltinObjects$$:deprovisioning

# autocreate the deprovisioning groups
deprovisioning.autocreate.groups = true

# users in this group who are admins of a realm but who are not Grouper SysAdmins, will be 
# able to deprovision from all grouper groups/objects, not just groups they have access to UPDATE/ADMIN = $$deprovisioning.systemFolder$$:deprovisioningAdmins

# number of days in deproivisioning group.  Should be the amount of time for systems of record to catch up and
# for people to change external systems of record in manual processes
deprovisioning.defaultNumberOfDaysInDeprovisioningGroup = 14

#number of groups shown in the body of deprovisioning email = 100

#deprovisioning reminder email subject = You have $groupCount$ groups that have suggested users to be deprovisioned

#deprovisioning reminder email body (links and groups are added dynamically) = You need to review the memberships of the following groups.  Review the memberships of each group and click: More actions -> Deprovisioning -> Members of this group have been reviewed = There are $remaining$ more groups to be reviewed.
