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Attribute nameDescription
deprovisioningMarker on group/folder
deprovisioningRealmRealm configured in the
deprovisioningDeprovisiontrue|false, true to deprovision, false to not deprovision (default to true). Note, if this is set on a daemon job, then it will not deprovision any group in the loader job (they will be marked as such)
deprovisioningStemScopeone|sub, if in folder only or in folder and all subfolders (default to sub)
deprovisioningSendEmailtrue|false, default to false. Set this to true for objects where the system of record is outside of grouper or where manual removal is preferred
deprovisioningEmailSubjectcustom subject for emails, if blank use the default configured subject. Note there are template variables $$name$$ $$netId$$ $$userSubjectId$$ $$userEmailAddress$$ $$userDescription$$
deprovisioningEmailBodycustom email body for emails, if blank use the default configured body. Note there are template variables $$name$$ $$netId$$ $$userSubjectId$$ $$userEmailAddress$$ $$userDescription$$


If allows adds to group of people who are deprovisioned

can be: blank, true, or false.  If blank, then will not allow adds unless auto change loader is false


If this is a loader job, if being in a deprovisioned group means the user should not be in the loaded group.

can be: blank (true), or false (false)


If the deprovisioning screen should autoselect this object as an object to deprovision

can be: blank, true, or false.  If blank, then will autoselect unless deprovisioningAutoChangeLoader is false


If deprovisioning configuration is directly assigned to the group or folder or inherited from parent


Email addresses to send deprovisioning messages.

If blank, then send to group managers, or comma separated email addresses (mutually exclusive with deprovisioningMailToGroup)


Group ID which holds people to email members of that group to send deprovisioning messages (mutually exclusive with deprovisioningEmailAddresses)


If this is true, then send an email about the deprovisioning event.  If the assignments were removed, then give a description of the action.  If assignments were not removed, then remind the managers to unassign.  Can be <blank>, true, or false.  Defaults to false unless the assignments were not removed.


If the deprovisioning screen should show this object if the user as an assignment.

can be: blank, true, or false.  If blank, will default to true unless auto change loader is false.

deprovisioningEligibleGroupIddeprovisioningRealmEligibleGroupIdGroup ID of the group that identifies generally if an entity is in this realm. So if a group is deprovisioned by various realms, then only deprovision if the entity in the group is not in any realm eligible group. e.g. VPN is deprovisioned by realms employee and student. If the person is no longer an employee, but is still a student, then dont deprovision.
