This group met for several months as a separate group, but then we realized we were discussing the same things in both this group and the Technology Issues Subgroup. So we merged this group with that group, going forward with the meeting time that had already been established for the Technology Issues Subgroup. The below represents the work done (and meetings held) prior to merging the groups.

This is a collaboration space for the Product/Vendor Issues Subgroup of the MFA Cohortium. Unless otherwise designated, everything contained here should be viewed as a work in progress, subject to change without notice.

The Product/Vendor Issues Subgroup explores common issues related to the deployment of multi-factor authentication products and services.  Issues include:

  • Integration into campus IAM systems
  • Advocacy for issues affecting Cohortium participants


The below represent the meetings of this subgroup as a "stand-alone" group. We subsequently decided to merge this group with the Technology Issues subgroup, and move to that group's meeting time. So see the detail on that group to see the further work that encompasses the original objectives of both these subgroups:

The Product/Vendor Issues Subgroup meets every other week via conference call on alternate Mondays, 2:00p-3:00p ET, starting August 5, 2013.

The list is used for communication between meetings.


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