
The Federation Readiness Check Working Group aims to develop a consistent, comprehensive, and simple to use Federation Readiness scorecard to help InCommon participants understand, implement, and validate proper federation integration practices and configurations.  

Learn More: Charter for the Federation Readiness Check Working Group

A group mailing list can be found at: https://lists.incommon.org/sympa//info/fedtestwg

Work Items

The Federation Readiness Check Working Group will: 

  • Survey existing testing audiences and their testing needs.
  • Explore current good federation practice beyond the minimums set by Baseline Expectations.
  • Draft ratings guides for SPs and IdPs (in that order) with an emphasis on remote, automatic assessment.
  • Produce the following work products:
    • An qualitative audience survey 
    • Summary report of the Working Group proceedings, including any notables not included in the recommendations.


The following terms apply to all InCommon Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Working Groups:

  1. When a working group is agreed, the TAC Sponsor will place a call for participation in the InCommon community.
  2. A chair, and optionally co-chairs, for the group is chosen from interested parties from the community.
  3. Internet2 provides facilities for the working group, including meeting support, wiki space, and mailing lists.
  4. An appropriate output from the group is produced. This is typically a working group report, proposed specifications and / or guidance documents.
  5. When the Working Group is in agreement, the chair shares the outputs with the wider InCommon community with an open period for discussion and comment. This is typically a period of 4 weeks, but may be longer if appropriate.
  6. After this period of time, TAC signs off on the work item. The InCommon Steering Committee may review, endorse, and/or approve the work item. Work is either written up as a formal white paper, left on the wiki but promoted as finished work or occasionally submitted as an Internet Draft.




Mailing List and Slack


internet2.slack.com #inc-fed-ready-check-wg

TAC Sponsor

Matthew Economou 


Matthew Economou 

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