
2/06/25 - Legacy Metadata Aggregate Retirement

We plan to proceed with retiring the legacy metadata aggregates on Tuesday, February 25th, 2025.

Service Impact: All services (IdP and SP) need to migrate to use the MDQ metadata service

Services at your organization that support federated single sign-on (SSO) AND currently rely on metadata sourced from the legacy metadata aggregate ( will need to be updated before the February date to avoid service interruptions.

To see if your organization is an InCommon Federation participant, visit: and check the “Federation Participants” box.

2/03/25 - ADFSToolkit update for MDQ

We have updated the MDQ pipeline to inject the InCommon public signing key into MDQ metadata aggregates. This update addresses the ADFSToolkit issue shared in January:

We continue to plan to retire the legacy aggregates served from soon and will communicate a date in the near future.

1/13/25 - Update on legacy aggregate retirement

We have identified an issue related to how ADFSToolkit validates MDQ data and will be delaying the retirement process for the legacy aggregate; we still plan to retire the legacy aggregates served from soon, but we need to move the date into February or March.

We are working to address this issue and will share back an updated date once we have finalized our updates.

If you are not using ADFSToolkit currently, you are encouraged to continue with your migration efforts.

10/17/24 - Legacy Metadata Aggregate Retirement and MDQ

The InCommon legacy metadata aggregate will retire on January 20, 2025.

If your organization has a service that consumes InCommon metadata via the legacy aggregate (, this change affects you.

To see if your organization is an InCommon Federation participant, check here:

Services at your organization that support federated single sign-on (SSO) AND currently rely on metadata sourced from the legacy metadata aggregate will need to be updated before the January date to avoid service interruptions.

Please work within your organization to migrate all relevant services to retrieve metadata from MDQ well before the January date.

9/26/24 - Legacy Metadata Aggregate Retirement and MDQ

We are retiring the metadata aggregates at on January 20, 2025

Please work with services in your organization to make the move to MDQ at your earliest convenience.