CTAB Call of January 9, 2024
- Warren Anderson, LIGO
- Pål Axelsson, SUNET
- David Bantz, University of Alaska (chair)
- Tom Barton, Internet2, ex-officio
- Richard Frovarp, North Dakota State
- Mike Grady, Unicon
- Scott Green, Eastern Washington University
- Christopher Keith, Brown University
- Kyle Lewis, Research Data and Communication Technologies
- Ryan McDaniel, Virginia Tech
- Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison (co-chair)
- Ann West, Internet2 Albert Wu, Internet2
- Johnny Lasker, Internet2
- Emily Eisbruch, Independent, scribe
- Matt Eisenberg, NIAID
- Ercan Elibol, Florida Polytechnic University
- Rick Wagner, UCSD
- Kevin Morooney, Internet2
- Internet2 Intellectual Property reminder
- Agenda Bash
- Welcome to 2024 - (re)introductions
InCommon Futures Report (Ann)
- In 2023, InCommon Steering put together a group to do futures planning
- Changes will be needed across the community in the coming years
- Motivated by many factors including changes prompted by COVID, changes to vendor offerings, etc.
- Some of the issues to consider include
- Attribute release issues
- Access management
- Expanding eduroam, where do we stand on that as a community
- Increasing use of Azure
- Vendor use vs open source
- Infrastructure
- InCommon worked with Second Muse over past 6 months to look at trends and needs; the resulting draft report is now in review
- InCommon Steering is pleased with the InCommon Futures draft report
- Hoping to get feedback on the draft report from CTAB
- Ann will send (after this call) the PDF report and a google doc to provide comments
- InCommon will work with Second Muse to produce a final version
- Please provide comments on the draft report by end of day Thursday, Jan. 11
- Office Hours are planned for this Friday, Jan. 12, for sharing across advisory groups
- There will be work to do in supporting the outcomes from the InCommon Futures report.
Brief recap of CTAB work process (Albert)
- There will be a separate orientation for new committee members
- CTAB focuses on policies and practices side of InCommon Federation
- It’s an advisory committee chartered by InCommon Steering
- CTAB provides a community voice
- Baseline Expectations for Trust in Federation is key to CTAB’s work
- To further trust and interoperability
- At start of the year, a CTAB work plan is developed
- Hope to continue looking at 6 month chunks for planned work, first half and second half of year
- Work formats can be: subgroup of CTAB, OR spin up a formal committee/ working group (example is the SIRTFI working group),
- Subgroups or working groups provide reports of their work
- CTAB makes adjustments for 2nd half of year
- Starting in September, CTAB focuses more time on recruiting new CTAB members for the next year
- CTAB terms are for 3 years
- Major Internet2 conference for CTAB is: TechEx (usually September or December). In 2024, TechEx will be in December
- David: CTAB tries to listen for and be responsive to needs in the research and education community. What would enable more secure access and sharing of resources within research and education?
- CTAB Charter http://doi.org/10.26869/TI.94.1
- Proposed Subject Matter Experts for CTAB (David)
- These individuals have expressed an interest:
- Kenneth Gray (U of Michigan; interested in Identity Assurance)
- Laura Paglione (SCG https://scgcollaborationgroup.com/ ; interested in Identity Assurance and Futures 2.0 work)
- These individuals have expressed an interest:
Committee Updates
- CACTI (Richard)
- Extensive discussion about the Next Generation Credentials Working Group report
- Adding a cover letter and further clarification
- To be used to drive next steps in the community
- Finalizing the report for CACTI acceptance
- Discussion around the browser changes
- Google Chrome turning off 3rd party cookies
- If a service doesn't work in Firefox, it likely won't work in Chrome / Edge when this is completed.
- FedCM discussion
- Google Chrome turning off 3rd party cookies
- Extensive discussion about the Next Generation Credentials Working Group report
- SIRTFI Exercise Planning Working Group 2024
- Call for volunteers released; prepping kickoff in Feb 2024
- Call for volunteers released; prepping kickoff in Feb 2024
- CACTI (Richard)
Review 2023 CTAB Accomplishments Report Draft (David)
- Highlights of CTAB work in 2023
- SIRTFI Exercise Working Group
- Response to NSF on new NIST 800-63 revision
- Wrapping up / operationalizing Baseline Expectations for Trust in Federation
- Developed ongoing automated tests around Baseline Expectations, for example around TLS endpoints, including some self service tools for site admins, improvements around maintaining correct email contacts for InCommon Federation contacts
- Working to define next steps, previously there has been strong emphasis on authentication, but a lot of value in federation is around roles and functions (different levels of authorizations/entitlements)
2024 CTAB Work Plan (David)
- Please review and add to the 2024 CTAB work plan
- Mike Grady emailed CTAB in November 2023 with some pain points
("problem experiences" with SPs and InCommon metadata) that he sees - Mike will turn the info in that email into a document
Next CTAB Call: Tuesday, January 23, 2024