CTAB Call of Oct. 3, 2023
- David Bantz, University of Alaska (chair)
- Ercan Elibol, Florida Polytechnic University
- Richard Frovarp, North Dakota State
- Eric Goodman, UCOP - InCommon TAC Representative to CTAB
- Mike Grady, Unicon
- Johnny Lasker, Internet2
- Kyle Lewis, Research Data and Communication Technologies
- Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison (co-chair)
- Andy Morgan, Oregon State University
- Andrew Scott, Internet2
- Ann West, Internet2
- Albert Wu, Internet2
- Pål Axelsson, SUNET
- Warren Anderson, LIGO
- Tom Barton, Internet2, ex-officio
- Matt Eisenberg, NIAID
- Scott Green, Eastern Washington U
- Meshna Koren, Elsevier
- Rick Wagner, UCSD
- Kevin Morooney, Internet2
- Emily Eisbruch, Independent, scribe
- Internet2 Intellectual Property reminder
Working Group updates
- eduVPN in New Zealand - https://www.eduvpn.org/ - part of GEANT
- TechEx breakfast open meeting
- Work overview
- A bunch of discussion surrounding next generation credentials working group
- eduVPN in New Zealand - https://www.eduvpn.org/ - part of GEANT
- RAF2.0 Working Group
- All public consultation comments reviewed
- Plan to get RAF 2.0 to Steering Committee next week or week after
- At TechEx received good feedback from a community member that RAF 2.0 seems easier to implement than RAF 1.0
- InCommon TAC
- (Eric G. was not present)
- 2024 planning
- Federation proxies working group will spin up
May augment or alter the federation trust model, understanding the role of proxies, This may come back to CTAB, has baseline expectations implications - AARC Blueprint - lots of useful guidelines on architecture, policies and deployment guidance, could potentially be useful and inform future baseline expectations work
- Entity Categories of interest (closely related to CTAB discussion on entitlements/authZ). Open Science initiative work is pertinent. How to indicate service entitlements is important, (for example, who is a designated health care worker)
- SEPWG (Sirtfi Exercise Planning Working Group)
- Call for Participation window closed: 17 signups, more than last year
- Communications check in 2 weeks (with their security contacts)
- Training/Orientation for exercise Points of Contact at each organization to start 23 Oct
- At TechEx, Kyle talked to community members who plan to join this effort next year.
Recruiting for CTAB
- Deadline has been extended, use this form https://forms.monday.com/forms/d4029d18190a0cb2306dd4abe1444002?r=use1
- If your CTAB term is expiring, you can renominate yourself: David, Jon, Meshna and Andy
- 4 nominations for CTAB currently received. One from a returning member, three new candidates
- Had hoped to have some new CTAB members representing service providers
- After CTAB / InCommon TAC meeting at TechEx, there was a comment that the name CTAB is confusing
- Outreach to Tribal colleges could be a goal for CTAB moving forward
- There is a minority serving cyberinfrastructure grant https://internet2.edu/minority-serving-cyberinfrastructure-consortium-awarded-nearly-15-million-nsf-grant/
- Ana Hunsinger, PI, has engaged some of the catalysts on this.
- Suggestion to help HBCUs and tribal colleges to use the Cirrus Identity bridge
- CTAB can monitor this work
- CTAB should look at skill sets needed for the upcoming work as we do recruiting for CTAB members
TechEx Recap
- Lots of great energy and collaborations
- ACAMP 2023 Notes: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/ACAMP/ACAMP+Unconference+2023+Home
- Federation sessions were well attended
- International attendance was good, despite the fact there was not a REFEDs meeting at this TechEx
- Session on Azure proxy for InCommon Federation with over 110 attendees. Broad interest https://internet2.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/techex23-azureadproxy-johnson.pdf
- Important theme: signaling, needing a way to communicate capabilities between IDP and SP, prior to authentication
- Some lack of questions from the community at some IAM sessions; perhaps because this stuff is hard to understand
- Knowledge: how do we pass on and spread the IAM Knowledge?
- Session on “Where does IAM knowledge need to live/improve?”
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yg51a8arVX-drLUwd5bMmlyU6xc05xDoJxXQZ4Qi-mk/edit
- Loss of knowledge can occur when IAM gets outsourced
- How to get more people into the tent?
- How to help the community make the right decisions around IAM?
- We need to document the assurance requirements needed for compliance, connects to student aid requirements.
- NIH provided some “stick” in their requirements added about 3 years ago
- Other federal agencies are following along, but there is lack of uniformity across what each agency asks for
- can we help each agency understand RAF?
- SAIG - student portal for federal education aid,
- it would be good to get them on board with federation and best practices
- https://fsawebenroll.ed.gov/PMEnroll/index.jsp
- Another reason why student aid is interesting: https://www.forbes.com/sites/emmawhitford/2022/11/03/student-loan-scams-stole-an-estimated-5-billion-from-americans-this-year/?sh=7a4285bb66f5
Next CTAB Call: Tuesday Oct. 17, 2023