CTAB Call Tuesday December 14, 2021
- David Bantz, University of Alaska (chair)
- Pål Axelsson, SUNET
- Ercan Elibol, Florida Polytechnic University
- Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
- Andy Morgan, Oregon State University
- Dave Robinson, Grinnell College in Iowa, InCommon Steering Rep, ex-officio
- Chris Whalen, Research Data and Communication Technologies
- Jule Ziegler, Leibniz Supercomputing Centre,
- Tom Barton, Internet2, ex-officio
- Sarah Borland, University of Nebraska,
- Kevin Morooney, Internet2
- Ann West, Internet2
- Albert Wu, Internet2
- Rachana Ananthakrishnan, Globus, University of Chicago
- Richard Frovarp, North Dakota State
- Eric Goodman, UCOP - InCommon TAC Representative to CTAB
- Meshna Koren, Elsevier
- Johnny Lasker, Internet2
- Netta Caligari, Internet2
- Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
- Rick Wagner, UCSD
- John Pfeifer, University of Maryland
- Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (vice chair)
- Robert Zybeck, Portland Community College
- CTAB Members
- Thanks and much appreciation to our departing CTAB members
- Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska , University of Nebraska
- John Pfeifer, University of Maryland
- Welcome to Sarah Borland, University of Nebraska, newly elected CTAB member
- Sarah attended BaseCAMP in Milwaukee several years ago, as an entrance ramp to the Trust and Identity community
- Rick Wagner, UCSD, another newly elected CTAB member, was not able to join today.
- Sarah attended BaseCAMP in Milwaukee several years ago, as an entrance ramp to the Trust and Identity community
- Thanks and much appreciation to our departing CTAB members
- Baseline Expectations v2
- Baseline Expectations Wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/be/
- We are now at 85% adherence with Baseline Expectations v2
- There is a deadline of Dec. 17, 2021 for compliance with Baseline Expectations
- CTAB members (US based) have been assigned to reach out to organizations not yet in compliance with Baseline Expectations v2.
- Several CTAB members have done this outreach.
- In some cases, have received responses, such as explaining that the org is now in compliance, or will soon be in compliance, or that the org will be requesting an extension.
- In some cases no response yet.
- Two CTAB members plan to do outreach soon
- Several CTAB members have done this outreach.
- TomB is available to chat with organizations who are concerned about SIRTFI
- Service Providers
- Albert has reached out to commercial Service Providers (SPs) not meeting BEv2
- In scan of commercial SPs, there are some with missing executive contacts. Some are missing contacts altogether
- For some Service Providers, Internet2 NET+ connections are being leveraged to discuss BEv2
- commercial organizations participating in InCommon behave/function in a variety of ways; Some are software platforms, or SAS services, often with an internal campus use case and sometimes multilateral federation is not a requirement (opposite of NIH use case)
- Participation of the commercial service provider can be awkward in these situations. In some cases, the perhaps the customer should take the lead on BEv2, with the commercial service provider as the technical operator
- TomB noted that the SIRTFI working group has also been discussing this situation/use case
- Hope to spin up a conversation about that in 2022
- Albert has reached out to commercial Service Providers (SPs) not meeting BEv2
- Extensions to meeting BEv2
- Albert: 19 organizations have requested an extension beyond Dec. 17, some met baseline after requesting extension
- Groups requesting extensions are being tagged as such in the documents
- Is it OK to automatically accept all BEv2 extension requests?
- Some don’t have a schedule
- Some are equating Shibboleth work with BEv2
- There is agreement to grant the extensions to those organizations that request one.
- Albert: 19 organizations have requested an extension beyond Dec. 17, some met baseline after requesting extension
- Contact Info in Metadata
- In 2022, we should circle back to BEv1 to be sure we have accurate contact info
- Look at email bounces
- Ask for yearly acknowledgement that a contact is still active/current
- Some organizations do this with security contacts to get a record of acknowledgement
- This relates to SIFTFI conformance
- GEANT has done work to verify contact info
- If you find that contacts have left the organization, please add a comment in the wiki/docket or in the sign-up spreadsheet, to let InCommon Operations know
- InCommon can potentially reach out to the organization’s billing contacts or Help Desk
- Look at email bounces
- Next Steps for BEv2:
- Plan to address organizations not responding to our outreach for BEv2
- Albert plans to update the spreadsheet about every 2 days, to reflect the changes expected in next few weeks
- Follow up emails from CTAB members may be helpful
- It can be useful to go to website to figure out IAM lead contact, or CISO, where we are getting no response
- For BEv1, for organizations that did not respond to our outreach, sending emails about ramifications often yielded some action.
- In 2022, we should circle back to BEv1 to be sure we have accurate contact info
- Baseline Expectations Wiki: https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/display/be/
- Question: Do we know which IDPs and SPs are active?
- Answer: no, we know if a server is online, but not if they are “active” in InCommon
- But some organizations have forgotten they joined InCommon, they registered a test entity for example
- Some entities use data for internal only purposes
- Question: Do we know which IDPs and SPs are active?
- CTAB 2022 Work Plan
- Follow example of InCommon TAC
- There may be some overlap between TAC and CTAB work plan
- Potential Work Plan items:
- Adoption of implementation profile
- Adoption of Seamless Access https://seamlessaccess.org/
- Connection with Discovery Service
- REFEDS Assurance Framework V2
- Entity Categories
- SIRTFI Tabletop exercise, working group is coming together, will meet biweekly
- Adoption of implementation profile
- Follow example of InCommon TAC
- Congratulations to Ken Klingenstein, for his induction into the Internet Hall of Fame today.
CTAB call of Dec. 28, 2021 is cancelled.
Next CTAB Call: Tuesday, Jan. 11, 2022