CTAB Wed. Nov. 6, 2019
- Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft (chair)
- David Bantz, University of Alaska (vice chair)
- Rachana Ananthakrishnan, Globus, University of Chicago
- Tom Barton, University Chicago and Internet2
- Brad Christ, Eastern Washington University
- Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
- John Pfeifer, University of Maryland
- Chris Whalen, Research Data and Communication Technologies
- Ann West, Internet2
- Albert Wu, Internet2
- Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
- Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska
- Eric Goodman, UCOP - TAC Representative to CTAB
- Chris Hable, University of Michigan
- John Hover, Brookhaven National Lab
- Adam Lewenberg, Stanford
Action Items from this call
- [AI] (Rachana) talk with her team to get more perspectives about improving the TLS
- [AI] (John) talk with his team to get input about improving TLS
- [AI] Albert consult with NickR on engineering or other practical concerns that would arise if InCommon does the testing around secure endpoints
- [AI] Albert flesh out the BE 2020 doc with more on SIRTFI, endpoints, and other matters
- [AI] (MC) email InCommon Steering chair TedH and cc Brad Christ with the slate of nominees for CTAB 2020
Baseline Expectations (BE) 2020
- OWASP cheat sheets - how do we apply them to BE requirements (TomB)
- https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/Transport_Layer_Protection_Cheat_Sheet.html
- https://cheatsheetseries.owasp.org/cheatsheets/TLS_Cipher_String_Cheat_Sheet.html
- TomB: for consumer electronics , not subject to those restrictions. People can travel with their cellphones.
- Regarding this BE statement:
- "All SP service endpoints must be secured with current, supported, unbroken transport layer encryption"
- Need to have appropriately encrypted endpoints
- The 2 OWASP cheat sheets demonstrate there are many details and choices
- CTAB must decide which are satisfactory choices
- TomB shared scanning mechanism used at U. Chicago
- DavidB: suggests most restrictive approach
- Jon: if a platform (eg, Windows) can’t support the most restrictive approach, is that outside of baseline?
- We must do the research to tell participants what to do on an open SSL platform and what to do on Windows
- Hard to figure out the best approach on containers
- SSL Labs has an API, can be used to measure, provides a grade and provides feedback
- Goal now is to support TLS 1.2 but eventually the goal posts will change
- TLS 1.1 will soon mean a grade of B instead of A
- If we apply the SSL Labs standard to a commercial SP (such as Box) that is crucial for campuses, it will be a problem if Box gets “kicked out”
- Suggestion that MC, Rachana, and others try this SSL Labs test
- AI (Rachana) talk with her team to get more perspectives about improving the TLS
- AI (John) talk with his team to get input about improving TLS
- Use API to automate the SSL Labs testing?
- What would be the next steps and consequences and timeframe for fixing if an organization does not pass
- It would be convenient to reply on SSL testing and grade for Baseline Expectations
- There would be cycle time for remediation if grade falls below an A
- Issues around International browsers ?
- Is the suggestion that participants test themselves and submit their results?
- Or would InCommon do the testing?
- [AI] Albert consult with NickR on engineering or other practical concerns that would arise if InCommon does the testing around secure endpoints
- Important to provide guidance on how to disable TLS 1.1
- DavidB found lack of documentation for Windows on this
- CTAB would need to provide guidance
- Find out the top platforms being used, Tomcat, JEDI,
- There will be some support burden; “I want to do this but I don’t know how”
- CTAB needs to figure out what is reasonable, be careful in setting a high bar that is hard to implement
- For those who do not meet this, there would be a process, including dispute resolution, and could lead to extensions being given and/or an exception being mad
- Steering is the final judge in cases where an entity might be removed from metadata
- The community will have time to adhere to any new baseline requirements
- Sirtfi - what do we need to say to clarify? (David)
- Do we need to go beyond “by checking the box you agree to support the SIRTFI framework”
- At U Alaska, they don’t adopt SIRTFI as practice, and that would be OK under the proposed Baseline Expectations. They can respond to a request for SIRTFI and that is what is required.
- AI Albert flesh out the BE 2020 doc with more on SIRTFI, endpoints, and other matters
- IAM Online, Wed. Dec 4, 2019, 2PM Eastern
- Dean suggested CTAB participate in IAM Online webinar on Dec. 4 to preview what’s happening at TechEx 2019
- DavidB volunteered, Albert will help. JonM may be able to attend as well (if we want more)
- Nominations for CTAB membership starting in 2020
- MC worked with David and Brett to reach out to nominees
- They spoke to 5 of the 6 nominees for CTAB.
- Did not contact one CTAB nominee who had chosen another governance group as 1st choice
- All seemed motivated to be part of CTAB and were good fits for CTAB.
- Good variety of individuals.
- We may need to change our CTAB call time to accommodate European nominees
- Candidates asked about the next step
- Potentially CTAB could provide a tentative yes, contingent on InCommon Steering approval.
- Steering may look at representation to be sure a variety of key stakeholders are represented
- Once CTAB has the slate ready, MC (CTAB Chair) would email the InCommon Steering Chair (Ted Hanss)
- InCommon Steering next meeting is Dec 2
- We may request that Steering do an online vote prior to then
- AI (MC) email Ted and cc Brad Christ with the slate of nominees for CTAB 2020
- Planning for TechEx - InCommon and CTAB update - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bqaBpgZzyVTWEWcQCVFYGxWx6ZZOvLBhb6PPvgwFyHk/edit
- TechEx - Open CTAB Meeting: Discussion of Baseline 2020
- https://meetings.internet2.edu/2019-technology-exchange/detail/10005609/
- Review community consensus process
- Outline BE changes
- Discussion
- Capture input from attendees
- Gain greater clarity on implementation items (what to include; what not to include)
- Proposed Agenda
- Review community consensus process
- Outline BE changes
- Discussion
- starting draft for TechEx based on last year’s slides
- Likely we won’t be ready with a wiki about proposed baseline expectations
- Goals:
- Capture input from attendees
- Gain greater clarity on implementation items (what to include; what not to include)
- BE 2020 Prep
- The main Doc
- Clarification wiki pages
- Email list for community consensus
- Draft announcement - BE 2020 entering community consensus
- others?
Next CTAB Call: Wed. Nov. 20, 2019