
  • Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft (chair) 
  • David Bantz, University of Alaska (vice chair)
  • Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska
  • Tom Barton, University Chicago and Internet2
  • Brad Christ, Eastern Washington University 
  • Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
  • John Pfeifer, University of Maryland 
  • Kevin Morooney, Internet2
  • Ann West, Internet2 
  • Albert Wu, Internet2
  • Emily Eisbruch, Internet2  


  • Rachana Ananthakrishnan, Globus, University of Chicago  
  • Chris Hable, University of Michigan
  • John Hover, Brookhaven National Lab 
  • Adam Lewenberg , Stanford  
  • Chris Whalen, Research Data and Communication Technologies 
  • Eric Goodman, UCOP - TAC Representative to CTAB  

New Action Items

  • AI Albert make next rev of Baseline Expectations (BE) 2020 document to change bullets to numbered items, clarifying the relationship between each original Baseline statement and the statements subordinated to some of them. This may result in replacing or revising some of the original BE statements. Eg, perhaps the one about generally accepted security practices should in fact be replaced with Sirtfi v1.
  • AI Albert will ask for an update of speakers list for the Dec 10, 2019 TechEx session to Albert, David, Brett and Rachana
  • AI Brett will coordinate the breakout activity at the CTAB open meeting at Tech Ex


Plans for IAM Online, Wed. Dec. 4, 2019

  • This IAM Online will be a dry run (longer version perhaps) of planned Dec 10 at 9am TechEx presentation
  • Albert, DavidB, DeanW met today, Nov 20 to prepare for the Wed. Dec 4 IAM Online
  •   IAM Online content will include
    •  announce success (almost 100% compliance w baseline expectations version 1)
    • New assurance/trust features that have been requested
    • BE Survey results 
    • Ask those on the IAM Online to provide some input
    • Set the expectation that a new round of baseline expectations is coming
  • Emphasis will be on the community aspect of baseline expectations
  • It will make sense to reflect on the past baseline expectations and the value/benefits it has brought to the community
  •  Would be great to get testimonial about the value of having the logo for each organization
  • At U Nebraska, Baseline Expectations , with requirement for logos and security contacts, has led to standardization of practices 
  •  high degree of compliance with baseline expectations is indication that the community supports increasing the security of federation 
  • Helped us clean up the InCommon Federation, we got rid of “stale” data and entities
  • Service Providers are more comfortable joining the federation, knowing that IDPs are using a credential that is also used internally (IdP02. The IdP is trusted enough to be used to access the organization’s own systems)
    • This was discussed with NASA as we encouraged them to register services with the InCommon Federation  
    • Also discussed with NIH
  • InCommon Federation demonstrated  that it cares about security and trust, this has been remarked upon in the SP community
  • We now have a formal mechanism for entities to register issues they are having; this helps with transparency,
  • Helps the federation to address new needs over time
    • This is a very important accomplishment 
  • Note that the international community has started embracing Baseline Expectations (REFEDs working group work
  • Brett will be happy to help with the Dec. 4 IAM Online
    • Alert inform REFEDS assurance list of this IAM Online, possibly

Planning for TechEx 2019 in New Orleans

  InCommon and CTAB update at Tech Ex -  Tuesday, Dec 10 at 9am

  • Use open CTAB meeting on Wed Dec 11 at TechEx to get feedback
  • Perhaps open community consensus sometime  after TechEx, perhaps Jan 1


  Open CTAB Meeting at Tech Ex: Discussion of Baseline 2020 - Wed Dec 11 at 12:10pm

      • Focus on a theme ?  Might have a UI / UX year for BE, to focus on end user sets of things, 
      •  2020 BE theme/focus could be security related items, except perhaps error URL,
      • Will help with  a coherent message to settle on one theme
      • 2021, perhaps enabling Research and Scholarship. (MFA and R&S)
      • Error URL, include it in BE 2020 or not?
        • From recent survey, error URL was not a huge concern from those who responded
        • Albert and Brett  suggest: Could leave error URL in the mix for 2020, as a catch up from BE round 1. 
        • TomB notes that doing more (including error URL)  can reduce success
        • DavidB notes that Error URL is easy to implement from a technical point of view
        • TomB: there is a non technical aspect to Error URL that may be work for some SPs
        • How will SPs use the Error URL in their flow? And how will this impact user experience?
        • Good topic for the open CTAB session  at TechEx: include Error URL in BE 2020 or postpone it?
      • Should we timebox the discussions at the open CTAB meeting? Wed Dec 11, 12:20pm - 1:40pm
      • Suggestion to break into groups to discuss certain questions, if we have enough attendees, 
      • Divide a Google doc into 3 sections
      • Have a report out for 10 minutes
      • Report outs will be taken into consideration as we move forward
      • AI Brett will coordinate the breakout activity at the CTAB open meeting at Tech Ex
      • CTAB members please invite your friends and people you meet at Tech Ex to attend the open meeting on Wed. Dec. 11, also invite friends involved in the REFEDs efforts around BE
      • We will NOT have zoom conferencing for the CTAB open meeting at Tech Ex

    • Goals
      • Capture input from attendees
      • Gain greater clarity on implementation items (what to include; what not to include)
      • Brett: would like to focus on how to move forward, rather than rehashing old ground; want to point focus towards the future

Baseline Expectations 2020 Prep

  • question on the use of bullets in the BE document,
  • Suggestion to use numbering system such as 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 instead of bullets
  • AI Albert will make next rev of BE 2020  document to change bullets to numbered items, clarifying the relationship between each original Baseline statement and the statements subordinated to some of them. This may result in replacing or revising some of the original BE statements. Eg, perhaps the one about generally accepted security practices should in fact be replaced with Sirtfi v1.
  • Clarification wiki pages  
  • Email list for community consensus
  • Draft announcement - BE 2020 entering community consensus
  • others?

Next CTAB Call: Wed. Dec. 4, 2019




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