CTAB Wed. Nov. 28, 2018
(this was an off-week call to replace the cancelled call of Nov. 21, 2018)
Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft (vice chair)
Tom Barton, University Chicago and Internet2
Ted Hanss, Yale ?
Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
Chris Whalen, Research Data and Communication Technologies -
Albert Wu, Internet2 -
- Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (chair)
David Bantz, University of Alaska
Chris Hable, University of Michigan
Joanna Rojas, Duke
Ann West, Internet2
Action Items
[AI] (Albert) set up a call w TAC Chairs and other key individuals to discuss SP badging issues. (Done)
[AI] (TomB, Ann and ChrisW) brainstorm names to join CTAB
Baseline Expectations Maintenance Docs (TomB)
- The group discussed progress on the Baseline Expectations Maintenance documents
- TomB will resolve the current comments.
- The Consultation on TI.105.1 (BE Maintenance Doc) was in June 2017 to Aug 2017
- The new dispute resolution doc TI.118.1 is primarily taken from the TI.105.1 document.
- The group thought consultation on TI.118.1 likely not needed as there are not substantive changes from the dispute resolution process that went through community consultation as part of TI.105.1. We could notify the community of the changes instead of doing a consultation. The new version does eliminate the review board aspect.
- CTAB will need to notify InCommon Steering of the updated process to dispute resolution. In January Steering chooses a chair. Steering can vote starting in Feb. 2019.
Discussion of Dec. 14, 2018 target date for meeting all metadata health check elements of BE
- About 159 orgs not meeting BE currently, about 2500 entities
- During 3rd stage we want to establish mitigation plan
- Only where there is no response does InCommon need to consider removal from metadata
- Suggestion to have levels, categories of organizations
- If an org is not responding to any outreach then that is a simpler case
- Suggestion to create a plan on how to approach the data on orgs not meeting BE
- Albert: suggestion to reach out to InCommon billing contact when other contacts do not respond
- Mitigation plans can include extensions for particular organizations
- It’s about using good judgment to deal with tough situation
- Blog on Baseline Expectations: Huge Progress by the Community https://www.internet2.edu/blogs/detail/16925
BE Office Hours https://spaces.at.internet2.edu/x/sALxBg
Recruiting new CTAB members
Brett, Joanna and Ted complete terms in Dec 2018
CTAB charter says The CTAB should consist of between seven and thirteen voting members.
AI TomB and Ann and ChrisW brainstorm names to join CTAB and Tom will reach out to key individuals
[AI] (Emily) schedule CTAB calls weekly until end of January in preparation for actions after the Dec 14 target date to meeting Baseline. Add 2 weeks from today Dec 12. Add Jan 9 and Jan 23 2019. (done)
Next CTAB call: Wed., Dec. 5, 2018