Notes, CTAB Call of 28-Feb-2018
- Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (chair)
- Ted Hanss, University of Michigan
- Chris Whalen, National Institute of Health
- David Bantz, University of Alaska
- Joanna Rojas, Duke
- Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison
- Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft
- Ann West, Internet2
- Emily Eisbruch, Internet2
Regrets: Chris Hable, U of Michigan; Tom Barton, U. Chicago and Internet2
Update on Baseline Expectations Kickoff
- Baseline Expectations has kicked off
- In days after the health check email went out, there were many (over 150) changes submitted to Federation Manager. This is good progress
- On the health check webinar, the pie chart was important showing small number who are currently compliant w baseline.
- We may need metadata query (MDQ) as metadata aggregate grows
- Brett will talk with InCommon TAC tomorrow about various impacts of Baseline Expectations
- Next metadata health email is planned for 2nd Monday in March
- Hope to have a dashboard to show number of orgs in metadata meeting baseline expectations, so we don’t have to update piechart manually
Community Consensus Process & “Rules of the Road”
The group reviewed the draft document
- Want to avoid a single person taking control and becoming the voice of the community.
- Want a repeatable process.
- There would be a moderated consensus-discuss list. Six phases proposed:
1. Initial Q&A.
2. Call for Alternative Statements.
3. Alternatives Q&A.
4. Initial Resolution.
5. Initial Resolution Q&A.
6. Final Position.
- The group discussed possible timeboxing for each stage .
- Question around the rationale for the limit of 3 messages per person during each stage.
- Enforcing the 3 message limit through moderation could be tricky and time consuming .
- Other models? IETF doc on consensus
We might expect questions for the consensus discussions around such things as logos, and around error URL, and how to handle orgs running older software versions such as Shib v2, how to incorporate SIRTFI into Baseline Expectations, how to evolve to baseline expectations 2.0
. Thanks to Tom Barton for this excellent draft
CTAB Co-Chair
- Thank you to Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft, who volunteered to serve as CTAB co-chair
- Emily will include Mary Catherine for agenda planning
Preparing for March 7 Baseline Expectations webinar
◦ InCommon Baseline Expectations: The Business Value Explained - It’s Not Just About Health Checks
CTAB Meeting at 2018 Global Summit
- Tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, May 9, noon-1:00PM
- Confidentiality is important for CTAB members and is a key part of charter .
- Handling of CTAB meeting notes [AI] Emily will email the CTAB list with a proposed new process for handling minutes (done)
- Public notes are here:
Next CTAB Call: Wed., March 14, 2018