
  • Brett Bieber, University of Nebraska (chair)    

  • Mary Catherine Martinez, InnoSoft (vice chair)
  • David Bantz, University of Alaska    

  •  Ted Hanss, University of Michigan       

  • Jon Miner, University of Wisc - Madison   
  • Joanna Rojas,  Duke
  • Tom Barton, U. Chicago
  • Chris Hable, U. Michigan
  • Chris Whalen, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)  
  • Kevin Morooney, Internet2   

  • Ann West, Internet2    

Regrets:  Nick Lewis, Emily Eisbruch

New Action Items

  • AI Ann ask the InCommon BE Expectations operational staff to review the community Consensus Process doc prior to community consultation.
  • AI Tom, Mary Catherine and ChrisH  will participate in conversation with InCommon Ops on cycle times for escalating health check failures
  • AI Brett, David, and Ann will work on scoping the privacy policy guidance effort. ChrisW will help moving forward
  • AI ChrisH and Brett will work on logo issues.


Vice Chair

  • Congratulations to Mary Catherine Martinez, new Vice Chair of CTAB, affirmed by InCommon Steering.

BE Community Consensus Process Doc

  • Doc is coming along well. Thanks to the CTAB members who have worked on it
  • The group discussed using moderators for discussions and how to address anonymous contributions to a discussion (see the Rules of the Road section of the doc)
  • Decision: Before moving to community consultation it was suggested to allow review by InCommon staff.
  • AI Ann ask the InCommon BE Expectations operational staff to review the community Consensus Process doc prior to community consultation.

Baseline Expectations Progress 

  • CTAB should help set cycletimes for escalating health check failures
  • AI Mary Catherine and ChrisH  will participate in conversation with TomB and InCommon Ops on cycle times for escalating health check failures

Finalize Privacy Guidance/Recommendations

  • Coherent guidance on privacy policy will be needed.
  • Need to understand who is the audience
  • We are at a discovry phase on what will be useful
  • Ann: we could provide communication to InCommon Execs and Site Admins including steps such as these from last call.
    • short-term suggestions to the community (there could be more):
      •  Link to whatever privacy policy you have in your POP (This works for the 50% that have POPs)

      • Refer to privacy policies available through Educause HEISC, even if not federation related

      •  Develop a web page that links to established organizational policies related to privacy (data sharing, FERPA release, AUP, etc) as a first step

  • a privacy policy could include info on Logo Guidance, SAMLInt recommendations
  • AI Brett, DavidB, Ann will work on scoping the privacy policy guidance effort. ChrisW will help moving forward 

Questions  from John Krienke on community consensus and dispute resolution

  1. Who writes to the Docket? InCommon B Mgr or a CTAB rep?
  2. Who notifies and communicates with the Participants?
  3. Does each Dispute need a separate Review Board? Selection based on contacts in MD, so would assume, yes.
  4. Each CTAB+RB needs its own confidential space, email list, meeting schedule.
  5. What happens when the 2 month timer runs out?

 AI ChrisH and Brett will work on logo guidance issues.

 CTAB Meeting at 2018 Global Summit, Wednesday, May 9, noon-1:00PM

  • This will be a closed meeting for CTAB members

  • Will have a Zoom bridge

Next CTAB call:  Wed. April 25, 2018




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