InCommon Steering Committee Minutes - December 3, 2018
Attending: Ted Hanss, Melissa Woo, Ann West, Marty Ringle, Michael Gettes, Mark Scheible, Pankaj Shah, Laura Paglione, Dee Childs, Klara Jelinkova, Dave Vernon
With: Kevin Morooney, Steve Zoppi
Thanks to Michael Gettes and Klara Jelinkova for their six years of service to InCommon Steering.
TAC Nominations
Mark Scheible presented the nominees for the four open positions on the TAC. TAC member serve three-year terms, with no term limit. Janemarie Duh (Lafayette), Mary McKee (Duke), Matthew Economou (NIH), Jessica Coltrin (Portland State). Steering supported the nominee slate by consensus.
Steering Nominations
Michael and Klara are rolling off. Ted and Celeste are completing their first three-year terms and are eligible for renomination. Celeste has decided roll off. Steering nominates two people for each open slot (there are four open slots) and provides that recommendation to Kevin.
For 2019, there is interest in moving this process to start earlier in the year
Moved and seconded to approve this slate of candidates. Steering passes this on to Kevin as the representative of Internet2, for consideration.
Steering members are encouraged to consider the roles of chair, vice-chair, and secretary. The duties are outlined in the bylaws.
PAG re-composition and InCommon representation
By Internet2 bylaws, divisions need a Program Advisory Group (PAG). Trust and Identity was created in January 2016. The PAG was created about a year later, in 2017. The TIER Community Investor Council and the InCommon Steering officers formed the initial PAG, along with a representative of CACTI and a regional network.
With the ending of the TIER program, with the changeover of Steering officers, and with new PAG guidelines from the Internet2 Board of Trustees, this is a good time to revisit the PAG membership.
As clarification, InCommon Steering has defined responsibilities for governing the InCommon LLC. The Trust and Identity PAG has a broader scope for all things trust and identity. There is overlap between the PAG and Steering. This speaks to the need for InCommon participation on the PAG. The Internet2 board will have a member on each PAG, for example. The board has also has a Program and Priorities Committee, and the PAG should have input there.
Because the January meeting tends to be a meeting to welcome new members, but this conversation will also continue at that meeting, with the goal of having PAG membership resolved then or no later than the February meeting.
Baseline Expectations Update
- All entities: 3268 of 4879 meet the metadata expectation (67%)
- IdPs: 448 of 525 meet the metadata expectation (85%)
- SPs: 2820 of 4354 meet the metadata expectation (65%)
- Orgs: 609 of 758 meet the metadata expectation for all entities (80%)
The deadline for meeting Baseline Expectations is December 14. At that time, the list of those not meeting Baseline will go to the Community Trust and Assurance Board and enter the dispute resolution process. These will come to Steering, if needed, for action in March.
Fee Increase and Communications
A webinar concerning potential InCommon fee increases was tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, December 5. Based on conversations at the Internet2 board meeting, this has been moved to January, with the goal of a fee increase vote by Steering in April.
Kevin will meet with the Big 10 Academic Alliance CIOs on December 17 to discuss the plans for the fee increase. He also foreshadowed this at a Common Solutions Group meeting two months ago and have not heard any feedback.
There was general discussion about the InCommon fee increase, a potential increase for Internet2 members, and the discussions of those topics at the Internet2 board meeting. There is general support from the Internet2 board for the fee increase, but a desire that the communications be considered holistically so the message is clear and consistent for both of these efforts.