InCommon Steering Committee Meeting - March 3, 2014
Meeting Minutes
Attending: John O’Keefe, Klara Jelinkova, Melissa Woo, Joel Cooper, Jack Suess, Dave Vernon, Michael Gettes, Susan Kelley, Steve Carmody, Dennis Cromwell, Steve Devoti, Chris Holmes, Ken Klingenstein, Mark Crase, Bill Yock
With: John Kreinke, Steve Zoppi, Shel Waggener
Information Items
- Jacob Farmer has accepted the vice-chair position for the AAC
- The External Relations & Governance Subcommittee has approved the Cirrus Identity application for the Affiliate Program
- The Steering Face2Face at the Internet2 Global Summit will take place 1-5 pm on Sunday and 7:30-11:30 am on Monday.
The minutes from the February 3, 2014, meeting were approved.
Affiliation-Based Access Category
This would be the second category deployed by InCommon. The ABA category identifies service providers that benefit faculty, students, others, based solely on their affiliation with the institution. Steering reviewed this proposed category last year, but it was set aside as the first category – Research & Scholarship – was fairly new and just gaining traction.
It was moved (Jack), seconded (Melissa), and unanimously approved to adopt this category.
Virginia Tech Compliance with 1.2 Assurance Documents
It was moved (Jack) and seconded (Joel) to approve the AAC recommendation to accept Virginia Tech’s documents as demonstrating compliance with the assurance 1.2 specifications. Unanimously approved.
External Relations and Governance Subcommittee Updates – Joel Cooper
The subcommittee will review draft revisions of the charter and by-laws at its next meeting
At its last meeting, the subcommittee reviewed an outreach plan that was developed by Ann and Dean for 2013. Dean is drafting a 2014 plan. The subcommittee wants to emphasize communications with CIOs and service provider outreach in 2014. It was suggested to also identity and communicate with the appropriate technical leaders on campuses.
Planning is underway to overlay the 2014 Identity Week with the new Internet2 Technology Exchange. The plan will include a REFEDS meeting, ACAMP and its unconference format, and CAMP as track sessions during the week. Shel is taking forward a proposal to have an individual fee for ACAMP (and possibly CAMP) to ensure attendance.
Affiliate approval process – Approval for affiliates has moved to the ER&G subcommittee. The process will be the same, with information provided by staff and a request for feedback within one week. No negative feedback results in approval.
Program Subcommittee – John O’Keefe
Strategic Priorities – The subcommittee is both refining the strategic priorities for 2014 (and into 2015), as well as building a process for deliberate planning that can be used in the future.
In the next month, the subcommittee will:
- ask for consensus on the strategic priorities document
- flesh out the initiatives with assignments, work required, resources required, and metrics
- develop methods for tracking progress
- outline a baseline for InCommon services – what is fundamentally required to serve the community and “keep the lights on”
The subcommittee debated whether to evenly distribute the work among all of the strategic objectives, or focus on moving one primary objective forward, while making some progress on others. The subcommittee chose the latter and recommends that we substantially advance this objective for 2014: “Objective 2: Increasing the Value of InCommon Participation,” with the associated details outlined here:
In addition, we should ensure continued work on the other objectives, particularly “interfederation” and “support for the research community.”
Steering endorsed this approach. The program subcommittee will meet next week to further discuss the document and also to engage Steve Zoppi and John Krienke to ensure that the work is achievable in the given time frame.
In addition, the ER&G subcommittee will work on messaging and communications with the community.
Next Meeting – Face2Face at the Global Summit
Sunday, April 6 – 1:00 – 5:00 pm
Monday, April 7 – 7:30 – 11:30 am