InCommon Steering Committee Meeting Minutes - February 3, 2014
Attending: Melissa Woo, Klara Jelinkova, Jack Suess, Dennis Cromwell, Mark Crase, Joel Cooper, John O’Keefe, Dave Vernon, Michael Gettes, Susan Kelley, Steve Devoti, Bill Yock, Steve Zoppi, Ken Klingenstein, Steve Carmody
With: John Krienke, Shel Waggener
Moved, seconded, approved – Minutes from Jan. 13, 2014
New Certificate Authority for IGTF certificates
John Krienke reviewed the need for this new CA. We can operate up to five CAs under the contract with Comodo. XSEDE is championing this, on behalf of grid computing infrastructures. It is important to those organizations to have certificates that meet specific IGTF (International Grid Trust Federation) requirements:
- Cannot issue some types of certs: personal, code-signing, wildcard, or multi-domain
- Cert lifespan cannot exceed 13 months
- Particular forms to comply with in “distinguished name”
- Particular OID for cert profile
- OCSP and CRL servers that use a domain owned by InCommon but controlled by Comodo to ensure support
- This will not increase expenses (included in current Comodo contract) and will make the certificate service more valuable to research organizations
Moved, seconded, approved to create this new certificate authority.
Assurance Advisory Committee
Steve Devoti informed Steering that the AAC is asking Jacob Farmer to serve as vice-chair. No action required at this point.
Global Summit
- InCommon/Internet2 will provide complimentary registration and hotel rooms (Sunday through Thursday) for Steering Committee members attending the 2014 Internet2 Global Summit. Details are on the Steering wiki and will be emailed
- Steering has had a track session accepted for the Global Summit; Klara will draft presenters
Internet2 Board Planning
The Internet2 board has started it planning process for 2015; both Jack and Klara are on the program and priorities subcommittee for this effort
Integration and Software Development
Steve Zoppi led a discussion about how Steering can best help shape Internet2’s integration and software development efforts. Steve’s initial efforts will be developing a priority list, maintained on a backlog. He said that an accurately curated backlog would keep things headed down the correct path. Ensuring smooth communications from subcommittee to Steering to Steve is one of the best ways for Steering to be involved.
Shel said there are three broad categories in terms of identity and integration with cloud services: 1) what we have in place that works, 2) what we need but is not in place, and 3) what we have in place that needs to change.
Steve Z is working on a list to show all of the relevant information about each software project, their status on the development curve, and other information. A lot of disparate data exists and he will work to get everything in one place.
Program Subcommittee Report
John O’Keefe presented the work of the program subcommittee regarding InCommon priorities. The subcommittee created a worksheet to analyze the goals, priorities, and operational tactics contained in the extensive TAC document. The key working document will be the “goals and strategies analysis” worksheet that aligns the elements of the TAC report with the seven objectives discussed at the November 2013 Steering face-to-face.
The consensus is to have the subcommittee recommend priorities after continuing to develop this matrix, identifying goals, tactics, metrics, resource requirements, and level of effort required. The goal is to have a draft for the March Steering meeting.
Trust and Identity in Education and Research
Shel clarified to the committee that we are now using the term “Trust and Identity in Education and Research” with the goal, over time, of shortening that to “Trust and Identity.”