If a group is created, and the parent stem CREATE privilege is inherited from a group(s), then remove the individual ADMIN privilege from the created group, and assign that ADMIN privilege to the stem CREATE group(s). Note, if the user is a wheel or root, then just remove the individual assignment.
Todo: Check to see if this is automatic in Grouper.
Java example
//add a rule on stem2 saying if you create a group underneath, then remove admin if in another group which has create on stem AttributeAssign attributeAssign = stem2 .getAttributeDelegate().addAttribute(RuleUtils.ruleAttributeDefName()).getAttributeAssign(); AttributeValueDelegate attributeValueDelegate = attributeAssign.getAttributeValueDelegate(); attributeValueDelegate.assignValue( RuleUtils.ruleActAsSubjectSourceIdName(), "g:isa"); attributeValueDelegate.assignValue( RuleUtils.ruleActAsSubjectIdName(), "GrouperSystem"); attributeValueDelegate.assignValue( RuleUtils.ruleCheckTypeName(), RuleCheckType.groupCreate.name()); //can be SUB or ONE for if in this folder, or in this and all subfolders attributeValueDelegate.assignValue( RuleUtils.ruleCheckStemScopeName(), Stem.Scope.SUB.name()); attributeValueDelegate.assignValue( RuleUtils.ruleThenEnumName(), RuleThenEnum.reassignGroupPrivilegesIfFromGroup.name()); //should be valid String isValidString = attributeValueDelegate.retrieveValueString( RuleUtils.ruleValidName()); if (!StringUtils.equals("T", isValidString)) { throw new RuntimeException(isValidString); }
GSH shorthand method
RuleApi.reassignGroupPrivilegesIfFromGroup(SubjectFinder.findRootSubject(), stem2, Stem.Scope.SUB);
GSH test case
GSH daemon
There is no daemon for this rule