For Grouper v2.6+.
Provisioning configuration is set up in the Grouper UI with helpful documentation, wizard-like interfaces, descriptive validations, and diagnostic tests.
Example assigning provisionable
Assign provisioning actions on a folder:
See that groups in the folder will be provisioned
UI actions
- Edit LDAP configs (grouper loader properties)
- Enable a provisioning target type (grouper loader properties)
- Enable a provisioning target
- Disable/Enable a provisioning target for folder or group
- See grouper loader logs for change log consumers
- Manage change log bookmark for change log listeners
- Trigger a full sync (send message), look at provisioningLastFullMillisSince1970 until complete
- Reporting can do a report of a full sync
- In provisioning configuration you identify readers, assigners, and (soon) admins. Users also need READ on a group to view/assign/admin provisionable
Use the "More actions" button to access Provisioning
List of assigned targets for a folder
Assigning a target to a folder
Attribute definitions
Definition | Assigned To | Purpose | Value | Cardinality |
provisioningDef | folder, group | identify a group type | marker | Multi assign |
provisioningValueDef | folder assignment, group assignment | name/value pairs | string | Single assign, single valued |
Attribute names
Name | Definition | Value |
provisioningMarker | provisioningDef | <none> |
provisioningTarget | provisioningValueDef | Related to a config in which links this provisioner to entend the class GrouperProvisionerBase |
provisioningDirectAssign | provisioningValueDef | if this is directly assigned or inherited |
provisioningOwnerStemId | provisioningValueDef | if this is not a direct assignment, then this is the stem id where it is inherited from |
provisioningStemScope | provisioningValueDef | If folder provisioning applies to only this folder or this folder and subfolders. one|sub |
provisioningDoProvision | provisioningValueDef | If you should provisioning (default to true) |
provisioningLastFullMillisSince1970 | provisioningValueDef | Millis since 1970 that this was last full provisioned |
provisioningLastIncrementalMillisSince1970 | provisioningValueDef | Millis since 1970 that this was last incremental provisioned. Even if the incremental did not change the target |
provisioningLastFullSummary | provisioningValueDef | Summary of last full run |
provisioningLastIncrementalSummary | provisioningValueDef | Summary of last incremental run |
Carey Black (
It would be great if attributesNames could supply a "search" (to use a list of Grouper objects: groups, attribute names from another attribute definition, a grouper config property set of values, others?) to provide the user a fixed list of values that can be used for that attributeName.
Which would be very specifically useful for the provisioningTarget, provisioningDirectAssign, provisioningStemScope, attribute names above. ( And I would think for a whole host of attribute names.)
Carey Black (
"By default you have to be grouper admin to do provisioning" What do you specifically mean by that?
Maybe this access control? " ..." Something else?
Maybe it could be driven by the ability to see Grouper objects that feed provisioningTarget ? That way each provisioner could be managed by different groups ( after being established by the Grouper System owners/operators.