Grouper Web Services


Find stems search for stems based on name, attribute, parent stem, etc. Can build queries with group math (AND / OR / MINUS)


  • Use query type to build one query object
  • For AND|OR|MINUS you can link up multiple queries into one
  • Returns stems
  • Can actAs another user
  • v2.1 and later, you can sort and/or page the results of individual filter types: parent stem, and approximate group name.  Can sort on name, displayName, extension, or displayExtension.

Find stems Lite service

  • Accepts one query to search (cannot use group math)
  • Documentation: SOAP (click on findStemsLite), REST (click on findStemsLite)
  • For REST, the request can put data in query string (in URL or request body)
  • REST request (colon is escaped to %3A): GET /grouper-ws/servicesRest/v1_3_000/stems
    • Note: if passing data in request body e.g. actAs, use a POST
  • (see documentation above for details): Request object, response object
  • Response codes
  • Samples (all files with "Lite" in them, click on "download" to see file)

Find stems service

Example: find stems directly under another stem

[mchyzer@flash pennGroupsClient-2.6.0]$ java -jar grouperClient-2.6.19.jar --operation=findStemsWs --stemQueryFilterType=FIND_BY_PARENT_STEM_NAME --parentStemName=test --parentStemNameScope=ONE_LEVEL --debug=true
Reading resource:, from: /home/mchyzer/grouper/pennGroupsClient-2.6.0/

################ REQUEST START (indented) ###############

POST /grouperWs/servicesRest/2.6.19/stems HTTP/1.1
Connection: close
Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1
Content-Length: 157
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8


################ REQUEST END ###############

################ RESPONSE START (indented) ###############

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 19:48:30 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 973
Connection: close
Server: Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=15768000
X-Grouper-resultCode: SUCCESS
X-Grouper-success: T
X-Grouper-resultCode2: NONE

      "resultMessage":"Success for: clientVersion: 2.6.19, wsStemQueryFilter: WsStemQueryFilter[stemQueryFilterType=FIND_BY_PARENT_STEM_NAME,parentStemName=test,parentStemNameScope=ONE_LEVEL], actAsSubject: null\n, params: null\n, wsStemLookups: null"
        "description":"isc testing",

################ RESPONSE END ###############

Output template: Index ${index}: name: ${}, displayName: ${wsStem.displayName}, available variables: wsFindStemsResults, resultMetadata, grouperClientUtils, index, wsStem
Index 0: name: test:isc, displayName: test:isc
Index 1: name: test:ldapTesting, displayName: test:ldapTesting
Index 2: name: test:seas, displayName: test:seas
Elapsed time: 5709ms
[mchyzer@flash pennGroupsClient-2.6.0]$ 

  • No labels