The following steps below outline and demonstrate the use of git CLI to interact with the Grouper codebase now on Github. These try to show the most common operations, but don't pretend to be comprehensive in any way. For full details, please review the Git documentation.

Switch to a local branch:

git checkout GROUPER_2_1_BRANCH

Note: Make sure you have no modified files that are not committed. Otherwise, git will ask you to clear your changes before you can switch branches.

See what branches are available and which one you are on:

git branch

Git the status of this branch, (files modified, renamed, added, etc)

git status

Create a branch based on the branch you are on now and switch to it after creation:

git checkout -b GRP-1234

Make changes (i.e. file). Once you had made changes, review changes.

git status

add all changes to the git staging area for this branch

git add --all

Commit changes to this branch

git commit -m "My changes are now committed"

Review the git log

git log | less

Find the commit id for the latest commit (commit 93d655ef8…) and use that to git a list of all files committed under that id

git show --pretty="format:" --name-only 93d655ef80

Note: just the first 6 chars or so of the commit id should usually suffice.

At this point you're ready to push the GRP-1234 branch to the remote.

See remotes

git remote --v

Push changes from the local branch GRP-1234 to a remote tracking branch by the same name

git push origin GRP-1234

Git a list of remotely tracked branches:

git branch --r

Switch to the master branch

git checkout master

Pull latest changes from master

git pull origin master

Reset and clean any file that is uncommitted but modified

git reset --hard
git clean --fd

Checkout the branch again

git checkout GRP-1234

Change a few more files, and add, and commit them again

git add --all
git commit -m "Another changeset going in"

Rebase the last 2 commit messages; allows you to pick/squash commits via an editor and construct a new commit message for the squashed commit

git rebase -i HEAD~2

or you can use autosquash to be not be prompted

git rebase --autosquash HEAD~2

Switch to a local branch:

git checkout GROUPER_2_1_BRANCH

Merge the GRP-1234 with GROUPER_2_1_BRANCH

git merge GRP-1234

Check out master

git checkout master

Get a list of all commits between GROUPER_2_1_BRANCH and GRP-1234

git log GROUPER_2_1_BRANCH..GRP-1234--pretty=format:%H --abbrev-commit

Cherry pick a set of commits that are in the GRP-1234 branch and merge them into master

git cherry-pick 71c524b36073dc33d940dfe21cd2376998b7f7de^..73c3afdaabdbb26ca4fd66e2310fe304a2b84130

When you are done, you can merge GRP-1234 with master:

git checkout master
git merge GRP-1234

Look at the master and you'll see the commits from GRP-1234 ONLY!

git log | less

Delete local branches that have been merged and whose upstream has been deleted

git branch --merged | grep -v '*' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

If there is a conflict on a pull, this might help

first do a commit of your changes

 git add *
 git commit -a -m "auto dev server commit"

then fetch the changes and overwrite if there is a conflict

 git fetch origin master
 git merge -s recursive -X theirs origin/master


git add .
git commit
git pull

try (to say use the file on the system if there are conflicts)

git checkout --ours <file-with-conflicts>


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