GridShib Non-Browser !IdP Discovery Profile

A Grid SP that queries for attributes MUST know the client's preferred !IdP. There are basically two approaches to this problem: either the Grid SP dynamically queries some 3rd-party discovery service or the Grid Client provides a pointer to its preferred !IdP up front.

A Grid Client can bind the providerId of its preferred !IdP to the request in a number of different ways:

  1. The pointer can be bound to the transport protocol:
    a. in an extension of an SSL/TLS client certificate
    a. as an HTTP header
    a. as an HTTP parameter
  2. The pointer can be bound to the protocol message:
    a. as a WS-Addressing EPR in a SOAP message
    a. via a WS-Security authentication token
    i. in an extension of an X.509 token
    i. in an element of a SAML token

In the case of a new grid user, option 1a is feasible since a certificate is issued on the fly. In the established grid user case, however, certificate extensions imply modifications to client software, so other options become more appealing.

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