Scribing Template --Tues., Nov 12, 2013 at 9:45am -- Santa Clara

TOPIC: Managed Services, what do we want?

CONVENER: Henry Hughes

SCRIBE:Mark Williams



JANET UK (UK NREN and federation operator).

UK landscape: Does have a third party commercial managed service IdP which mainly serves UK Community Colleges.

Drivers: Some HE want to own and manage identity but want to take a service for to do all this. Partly due to skills gap and resourcing pressure (outsourcing)

FE (community college in UK) – don’t have skills in house so would like managed service.

Need for UK to develop this but possibility to do it on an international basis. So reach out to see if anyone else sees this requirement coming out.

US sees a similar dynamic.

How to deal with explosion of signing up to new services?

JANET- Managed service does provide ability to provide standard set of profiles to simplify provisioning.

Where should the IdM system sit, on campus or in the cloud?

UK: Some Schools do IdM in the cloud.

Is Incommon interested in providing managed services- to now a broker to third party providers.

UK has received that institutions want bundled services (SAML+ eduroam +Moonshot etc+) if problem can be solved for one instance then it can be solved for all if done on template basis. Therefore becomes a single point to worry about / manage.

Managed service would enable more efficient gathering of usage statistics.

Managed service scalable across international boundaries.

US has had problem getting people to opt in such as in the areas of entity catergories.

UK has IdM toolkit ( )

Tension of cut costs and out source v capability

US situation- schools want to attract applicants, + MOOCS and continuing education- lots of identities need setting up sometimes for short duration. Need mechanisms to support that.

How to create identity awareness with upper institutional management. IdM not an easy sexy sell.

In UK Cabinate office taking forward SAML solution for citizen gateway. First time federated approach rather than centralized method being used. Govt will run identity hub but public will be able to choose the identity provider that they use.

Credit card model highlighted.

US has the issue of State differences when concerned with managed services. UK has analogous situation with domestic and EU legal boundaries. Putting services in the cloud complexity to this.



Possible take area forward as a REFEDS work item

Take collective development of Managed Services space to the "priorities for InCommon discussion?

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