A federated GitLab service for use by the working group is hosted by LIGO at https://fed-interop-wg.ligo.org. Please follow the instructions below for enrollment or onboarding and then accessing the repository and obtaining the version control information.


The federated GitLab service requires that your login provider or identity provider (IdP) assert a persistent identifier (eduPersonPrincipalName or eduPersonUniqueID) and mail. If your IdP supports the Research & Scholarship Category, then your IdP already meets the necessary requirements. Instructions how to configure an InCommon IdP to support R&S are documented elsewhere in this wiki. Users of other IdPs should contact their federation operator for further instructions.

Federation Status

The service is registered with InCommon and has been tagged as a Research & Scholarship service provider.

It is available in the eduGAIN metadata feed. Please contact your local federation and work with the support staff for your local IdP to enable federation with SPs in the eduGAIN metadata if that has not been done already.

The service is also federated with the UnitedID identity provider to assist users that do not have access to an IdP that will assert the necessary attributes.

Enrollment or onboarding

The service will provision an account the first time you successfully authenticate and your identifier and mail are asserted by your IdP to the service. Please browse to https://fed-interop-wg.ligo.org.

After authenticating and accessing the service for the first time please send an email to Scott Koranda to let him know you have accessed the service. Access control to the working group's repository project(s) is managed at this time and your provisioned account must be added to the appropriate access control list.

After you hear that you have been added to the necessary access control list please return to the service and follow the steps below to view the repository and/or clone it.

Viewing the repository(ies)

After you return to the service or refresh the page the default view will be the Dashboard. On the right you will see a list of projects to which you have access. The current project for the working group is saml-impl-profile/adoc. Click on the link to view the repository. 

The left hand side menu will allow you to navigate and find the files in the repository, along with commits, graphs, and other information.

Cloning the repository(ies)

To clone the repository and commit new changes or take other actions with git you will need to first add an SSH key to your profile. Click on the link and upload your public SSH key.

After uploading your SSH key you may clone the repository using git:

git clone git@fed-interop-wg.ligo.org:saml-impl-profile/saml-impl-profile-adoc.git

Note: the service will prompt you to also set a "password" for use with HTTPS. It is strongly encouraged that you use SSH for git access. If for some reason you cannot use SSH you may set a "password" for HTTPS access to the repository. Please use a strong password. We recommend 15 characters or more and the Strong Password Generator. Note that web access to the GitLab console will still use federated access and your organizational identity provider even after your "password" is set. The "login" when cloning over HTTPS is your ePPN. 

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