Table of Contents

Contact and Profile Information

Name of Organization:

Name of Contact:

Email Address:

Would you be willing to be contacted for more details?

Profile(s), Version and Method of Determination(s) of Conformance:
__ Bronze (1.1) - Audited
__ Silver (1.1) - Audited

Why is Assurance important to your organization?  Include the service providers with which you'd like to federate under this Program.

your text here.   

Who/what department led the Assurance Project? With whom did you engage during the process?

your text here.  

What specific steps did you take to address the functional areas?

4.2.1 Business, Policy and Operational Criteria

your text here.

4.2.2 Registration and Identity Proofing

your text here.

4.2.3 Credential Technology

your text here

4.2.4 Credential Issuance and Management

your text here

4.2.5 Authentication Process

your text here..

4.2.6 Identity Information Management

your text here. 

4.2.7 Assertion Content

your text here. 

4.2.8 Technical Environment

your text here.

Did you use Alternative Means? If yes, describe briefly the process.

your text here.

What did the auditors do during the audit?

your text here.

Provide any lessons learned for those just starting.

your text here.

What resources (templates, documents, planning tools, URLs, etc) where especially helpful during this process?

your text here.

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