*ITANA Call 1-March-2012*

Jim Phelps, University of Wisconsin-Madison (chair)
Glenn Donaldson, The Ohio State U.
Phil Robinson, Cornell
Chris Eagle, U. Michigan
Wayde Nie, McMaster U.
Sharif Nijim, Notre Dame
Leo Fernig, U. British Columbia
Paul Hobson, U. British Columbia
Vincent Aumont, U. British Columbia
Steve Olshansky, Internet2 (scribe)

*Carryover Action Items*
AI (All interested) in the higher-ed peer group, contact Chris Eagle.
AI (All) Think about topics for potential Educause session(s).


  • New to Higher Education Peer-Group
  • First Google+ Hangout Tue 13-March 11:00 AM EST
  • every 4 weeks, coincident with the ITANA call weeks
  • 1st topic: collaborative approach v. directive approach
  • all are welcome, even if not new to higher ed
  • must have Google+ account, and add Chris, Jim and ITANA pages to your circles
  • can join audio only if you don't have a camera
  • instructions will go out to the list in advance
  • Perhaps this could be used in conjunction with the SOA survey.

– Future Call Agenda Items:

  • Does a heavy-weight EA Tool add enough value to outweigh the price and heaviness of the tool itself? Can we find a case-study or two?
  • Rolling out a new SIS
  • Why would you use an EA tool? What are the goals of making artifacts? What is the purpose of these artifacts?
  • Defining and promoting the architecture brand (suggested by Scott F.)
  • OpenStack.org - Open Cloud Platform - UC Berkeley and UW-Madison

Participation and subscription information for this EDUCAUSE Constituent Group discussion list can be found at http://www.educause.edu/groups/.

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