Purpose: To help someone with no experience with midPoint be able to setup and run midPoint. Provide basic configuration to pull in users from a data source and sync that data to external target system such as LDAP.

Pull new Docker Image from Evolveum:

ON Linux VM:

add user to docker group (dont run as sudo)

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name midpoint evolveum/midpoint:latest

Start and Stop container

Once you have your container created use start and stop commands for starting and stopping it.

  • Start not running container:

docker start midpoint

  • Stop running container:

 docker stop midpoint

 Stop command will save your configuration until you remove midPoint container. 

 To Stop/Start only Tomcat:  enter the midPoint container bash use:

 docker exec -it midpoint bash

In Docker container fix midpoint.sh - change: #!/bin/bash  to   #!/bin/sh

Should be running here: http://<VMname>:8080/midpoint/

Login as Administrator with default password and changeit.

Create Incoming sync from Oracle DB

Copy Oracle Driver to VM.


Go to: Resources -> New Resource

Resource Basics Tab:

Add Resource Name

Connector: ConnId org.identityconnectors.databasetable.DatabaseTableConnector v1.4.2 0


Configuration Tab:

Host: <DB Server>

TCP Port: <DB Port>

User: <DB UserName>

User Password: <DB Pwd>

Database: <Oracle DB Name>

Table: <IdM Table Name>

Key Column: <Table Primary Key>

JDBC Driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

Change Log Column: <for us> OPERATIONTIMESTAMP

Schema Tab:

Should automatically bring in AccountObjectClass with all DB columns. You can remove columns if you need to, but for us we accepted them all since it’s just a view of columns we need in the DB anyway.


Schema handling Tab:

Click Add Object type to add mappings from DB to midPoint.

Kind: Account

Intent: default

Display name: Default Account

Make sure Default is selected.

Object class: AccountObjectClass

Add Attributes (Click plus + sign):

            Select DB Attribute from drop down.

                        ri: NETID

                        ri: FIRSTNAME

                        ri: LASTNAME

Add Inbound mappings (Click plus + sign):

            Select Authoritative.

            Target: $user/name

            Target: $user/givenName       

            Target: $user/familyName     


Synchronization Tab:

Click Add synchronization object to add Actions for syncs.

Name: Default Account

Kind: Account

Intent: default

Select Enabled.

Add Correlation (Click plus + sign):

Filter clause:

<q:equal xmlns:org="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/org-3">







Add Reactions (Click plus + sign):

            Choose Situation: Linked

            Synchronize: True


            Choose Situation: Deleted

            Synchronize: True

            Action: unlink


            Choose Situation: Unlinked

            Synchronize: True

            Action: link


            Choose Situation: Unmatched

            Synchronize: True

            Action: Add focus


Re-Select Enabled if it disappeared.



Capabilities Tab:


Create the Import Sync for the Resource

Go to the Resource Details Page

Click on Accounts Tab:

Click the Import Button bottom left -> Create New

TaskName: IdMImportSync

Type: Importing accounts

Kind: Account

Intent: default

Object class: AccountObjectClass

Check Recurring task

Schedule interval (seconds): 300



Should now have users in midPoint

When it runs after 5 mins.

Go to Users -> List users

Users from IdM DB should be listed.

Create Export sync to LDAP

For us, it is Oracle DS


Go to: Resources -> New Resource

Resource Basics Tab:

Add Resource Name

Connector: ConnId com.evolveum.polygon.connector.ldap.LdapConnector v1.5.1



Configuration Tab:

Host: <LDAP Server>

TCP Port: < LDAP Port>

Bind DN: < LDAP BindDN>

Bind Password: <LDAP Pwd>

Connect timeout: 300000

Maximum number of attempts: 5

Base context: <LDAP base context>

Paging strategy: auto

Paging block size: 1000

VLV sort attribute: uid

Primary identifier attribute: uid


Schema Tab:

This will bring in all ObjectClasses from LDAP server automatically.

You have to edit XML to remove objectClasses that are not needed. I just downloaded to eclipse to modify then re-uploaded it.


Schema handling Tab:

Click Add Object type to add mappings from midPoint to LDAP.

Kind: Account

Intent: default

Display name: Default Account

Make sure Default is selected.

Object class: inetOrgPerson (for us)

Add Attributes (Click plus + sign):

            Select LDAP Attribute from drop down.

                        ri: dn

                        ri: uid

                        ri: givenName

                        ri: cn

                        ri: sn

Add Outbound mappings (Click plus + sign):

            Select Authoritative.

            Strength Strong

            Source: $user/name

            Expression type: Script

            Language: Groovy


<script xmlns:org="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/org-3">


       'uid=' + name + ',ou=People,dc=<campus>,dc=edu'



            Source: $user/name    

            Source: $user/givenName      

            Source: $user/fullName         

            Source: $user/familyName     

Make sure Default is Still selected.



Synchronization Tab:

Click Add synchronization object to add Actions for syncs.

Name: Default Account

Kind: Account

Intent: default

Select Enabled.

Add Correlation (Click plus + sign):

Filter clause:

<q:equal xmlns:org="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/common/org-3">



      <path>declare namespace ri="http://midpoint.evolveum.com/xml/ns/public/resource/instance-3";                                                           






Add Reactions (Click plus + sign):

            Choose Situation: Linked

            Synchronize: True


            Choose Situation: Deleted

            Synchronize: True

            Action: unlink


            Choose Situation: Unlinked

            Synchronize: True

            Action: link


Re-Select Enabled if it disappeared.



Capabilities Tab:



Create LiveSync for the Resource

Go to the Resource Details Page

Click on Accounts Tab:

Click the Live Sync Button bottom left -> Create New

TaskName: LdapExportSync

Type: Live synchronization

Resource reference: <Resource Name>

Kind: Account

Intent: default

Object class: inetOrgPerson

Select: Recurring task

Schedule interval (seconds): 300


IdM users should be synced: Oracle -> midPoint -> LDAP

It took 2-3 days to initially import 100k users from our test LDAP, so we will work on performance tuning next.