See also: Writing Registry Plugins

Some additional conventions are required when writing a Cluster Plugin.

  1. The name of the Plugin must match the format FooCluster.
  2. The Plugin must implement a model FooCluster, and a corresponding Controller. (These are in addition to the other models and controllers required for Plugins.)
    1. This Model should extend ClusterInterface, which defines some standard interfaces and provides some behind the scenes common functionality.
    2. The Controller should extend SCController ("Standard Cluster" Controller), which provides some common functionality.
    3. When a new Cluster Backend is instantiated, a skeletal row in the corresponding co_foo_clusters table will be created. There is no add operation or view required. The skeletal row will point to the parent Cluster Model.
    4. When a Cluster Backend is edited, the entry point to the Cluster Plugin will be foo_cluster/foo_clusters/edit/#. This will be called immediately after the Cluster Backend is first instantiated.
  3. Note Cluster has a hasOne (ie: 1 to 1) relationship with FooCluster.
  4. The table cm_foo_clusters should include a foreign key to cm_clusters:id.
    1. Other tables used by the plugin should reference cm_foo_clusters:id.
  5. The Plugin must implement an assign() function, the signature of which is defined in Model/ClusterInterface.php. This function is called when automatic creation of an Account is created.
  6. The Plugin must implement a status() function, the signature of which is defined in Model/ClusterInterface.php. This function returns an array, which currently holds one element: comment, a human readable description of the Cluster status for the specified CO Person.
  7. ProvisionerBehavior will use $cmPluginHasMany (in Model/FooCluster.php) to determine which associated models to retrieve data for, in order to pass to Provisioning Plugins.
    1. Supported parent models are CoGroup and CoPerson. ie: In order to be provisioned, the associated model must have a foreign key co_group_id or co_person_id.
    2. Additionally, models associated with CoPerson must define the following fields:
      1. status: Only records with values StatusEnum::Active or StatusEnum::GracePeriod are provisioned.
      2. valid_from: Records with values prior to "now", or a NULL value, are provisioned
      3. valid_through: Records with values later than "now", or a NULL value, are provisioned
    3. For example, in the following configuration FooClusterAccounts will be available to Plugins:
      1. public $cmPluginHasMany = array("CoPerson" => array("FooClusterAccount"));

Note that, unlike Authenticator Plugins, there is currently no Registry-provided management functionality ("lock", "unlock", etc). Cluster Plugins must (currently) provide this functionality on their own.

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