Grouper rules

Here is an example of adding and testing a rule with WS rest (generated from grouper client).  This is the group intersection rule where you have to be in one group (e.g. employees) to be in another group (e.g. app users).  If you fall out of employee, you will fall out of users.  A nightly daemon cleans up inconsistencies.

Note, the names of the attribute depends on where your grouper admin put them in your folder structure.

Create group A request


Create group A response

		<resultMessage>Success for: clientVersion: 1.6.0, wsGroupToSaves:
			Array size: 1: [0]: WsGroupToSave[

			, actAsSubject: null, txType: NONE, paramNames:
			, params: null</resultMessage>

Create group B request


Create group B response

		<resultMessage>Success for: clientVersion: 1.6.0, wsGroupToSaves:
			Array size: 1: [0]: WsGroupToSave[

			, actAsSubject: null, txType: NONE, paramNames:
			, params: null</resultMessage>

Rule assign type request


Rule assign type response

			<description>is a rule</description>
					<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:14:46.664</createdOn>
					<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:14:46.664</lastUpdated>
		<resultMessage>, Found 1 results.  </resultMessage>
	<wsStems />
	<wsMemberships />
	<wsSubjects />

Rule act as source request


Rule act as source response

			<description>subject source id to act as</description>
					<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:27:29.349</createdOn>
					<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:27:29.349</lastUpdated>
		<resultMessage>, Found 1 results.  </resultMessage>
	<wsGroups />
	<wsStems />
	<wsMemberships />
	<wsSubjects />

Rule act as subject id request


Rule act as subject id response

			<description>subject id to act as, mutually exclusive with identifier
					<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:31:16.337</createdOn>
					<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:31:16.337</lastUpdated>
		<resultMessage>, Found 1 results.  </resultMessage>
	<wsGroups />
	<wsStems />
	<wsMemberships />
	<wsSubjects />

Rule check owner name request


Rule check owner name response

			<description>when the check should be to see if rule should fire,
				this is owner of type, mutually exclusice with id</description>
					<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:34:11.909</createdOn>
					<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:34:11.909</lastUpdated>
		<resultMessage>, Found 1 results.  </resultMessage>
	<wsGroups />
	<wsStems />
	<wsMemberships />
	<wsSubjects />

Rule check type request


Rule check type response

			<description>when the check should be to see if rule should fire,
				enum: RuleCheckType</description>
					<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:37:07.676</createdOn>
					<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:37:07.676</lastUpdated>
		<resultMessage>, Found 1 results.  </resultMessage>
	<wsGroups />
	<wsStems />
	<wsMemberships />
	<wsSubjects />

Rule if condition enum request


Rule if condition enum response

			<description>RuleConditionEnum that sees if rule should fire, or
				blank if should run always</description>
					<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:38:47.685</createdOn>
					<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:38:47.685</lastUpdated>
		<resultMessage>, Found 1 results.  </resultMessage>
	<wsGroups />
	<wsStems />
	<wsMemberships />
	<wsSubjects />

Rule then enum request


Rule then enum response

			<description>RuleThenEnum to run when the rule fires</description>
					<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:40:38.134</createdOn>
					<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:40:38.134</lastUpdated>
		<resultMessage>, Found 1 results.  </resultMessage>
	<wsGroups />
	<wsStems />
	<wsMemberships />
	<wsSubjects />

Make sure valid request


Make sure valid response

			<description>is a rule</description>
			<description>subject id to act as, mutually exclusive with identifier
			<description>subject source id to act as</description>
			<description>when the check should be to see if rule should fire,
				this is owner of type, mutually exclusice with id</description>
			<description>when the check should be to see if rule should fire,
				enum: RuleCheckType</description>
			<description>RuleConditionEnum that sees if rule should fire, or
				blank if should run always</description>
			<description>RuleThenEnum to run when the rule fires</description>
			<description>T|F for if this rule is valid, or the reason, managed by
				hook automatically</description>
			<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:14:46.664</createdOn>
			<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:14:46.664</lastUpdated>
			<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:31:16.337</createdOn>
			<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:31:16.337</lastUpdated>
			<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:27:29.349</createdOn>
			<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:27:29.349</lastUpdated>
			<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:34:11.909</createdOn>
			<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:34:11.909</lastUpdated>
			<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:37:07.676</createdOn>
			<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:37:07.676</lastUpdated>
			<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:38:47.685</createdOn>
			<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:38:47.685</lastUpdated>
			<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:40:38.134</createdOn>
			<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:40:38.134</lastUpdated>
			<createdOn>2010/09/27 02:27:29.755</createdOn>
			<lastUpdated>2010/09/27 02:27:29.755</lastUpdated>
		<resultMessage>, Found 8 results.  </resultMessage>
	<wsStems />
	<wsMemberships />
	<wsSubjects />

Add to A request


Add to A response

				<name>my name is test.subject.0</name>
		<resultMessage>Success for: clientVersion: 1.6.0, wsGroupLookup:
			WsGroupLookup[groupName=stem:a], subjectLookups: Array size: 1: [0]:

			, replaceAllExisting: false, actAsSubject: null, fieldName: null,
			txType: NONE, includeGroupDetail: false, includeSubjectDetail: false,
			subjectAttributeNames: null
			, params: null
			, disabledDate: null, enabledDate: null</resultMessage>

Add to B request


Add to B response:

				<name>my name is test.subject.0</name>
		<resultMessage>Success for: clientVersion: 1.6.0, wsGroupLookup:
			WsGroupLookup[groupName=stem:b], subjectLookups: Array size: 1: [0]:

			, replaceAllExisting: false, actAsSubject: null, fieldName: null,
			txType: NONE, includeGroupDetail: false, includeSubjectDetail: false,
			subjectAttributeNames: null
			, params: null
			, disabledDate: null, enabledDate: null</resultMessage>

Delete from B request


Delete from B response

				<name>my name is test.subject.0</name>
		<resultMessage>Success for: clientVersion: 1.6.0, wsGroupLookup:
			WsGroupLookup[groupName=stem:b], subjectLookups: Array size: 1: [0]:

			, actAsSubject: null, fieldName: null, txType: NONE
			, params: null</resultMessage>

See removed from A request


See removed from A response

				<name>my name is test.subject.0</name>
		<resultMessage>Success for: clientVersion: 1.6.0, wsGroupLookup:
			WsGroupLookup[groupName=stem:a], subjectLookups: Array size: 1: [0]:

			memberFilter: All, actAsSubject: null, fieldName: null, includeGroupDetail: false,
			includeSubjectDetail: false, subjectAttributeNames: null
			,params: null


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