
Starting Time: March 9, 2009 at 1:00 PM, US/Eastern

Dial In Information

To join both the web and audio conference (recommended), click here: https://edial.internet2.edu/call/0187242
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Enter access code: 0187242


  • Progress on Use Cases (Evangelos, Aaron, Andy, Marcos, Jason)
  • Updates from OGF/GLIF (Martin)
  • IS-WG Session at Spring Member Meeting
    • Tues April 28, 12:00pm-1:15pm
    • Who will attend in person?
      • Jason
      • Aaron
      • Jeff
      • Andy
      • Martin
      • UDel Student(s)
      • Evangelos
      • ?
    • Who would like to attend remotely (if this is more than a handful of people, we can request a phone, but the deadline is fast approaching)
  • ?


  • Attending:
    • Marcos
    • Andy
    • Aaron
    • Jason
    • Martin
    • Jeff
  • Apologies:
    • Evangelos


Use Cases

JZ: Evangelos was at OGF/GLIF last week. Did not work on use cases yet but plans to read what is there and contribute before the next call.

MS: Great job on the use cases. Read them this morning. Want comments from others. To Andy: The service discovery is good but we may want to go broader.

AL: Ok, will fill it what I know we need.

MS: Simple discovery would not be limited to just DCN (although there may be special considerations - which would be good)

ACTION: AL to finish DCN/Service Discovery case
ACTION: Aaron/Jason to generalize for perfSONAR

JZ: Other things we should consider? Anthing from the DOE (terrapaths/lambdastation) or Phoebus realm we need to consider?
MS: Good question. We can label things as being 'control plane', and try to get additional use cases.

ACTION: Organize 'Control Plane' cases - JZ
ACTION: Think of others - MG, AL, EC, AB

AB: Should enumerate AA (Authentication/Authorization) items in use cases since they are important to things like topology exchange and pathfinding.
MS: We can enumerate all aspects in a master document. Although these are still requirements we may not want to get too detailed. We can do things like narratives (e.g. Bob and Alice want topology) there as well. Should be enough to say:
'Looking for something, secure it, check credentials, get your proof of identity' instead of going to far into AA.

JZ: Do we even want to go that far, AA issues can be solved in AA groups. This is IS. While it is important to note it exists, does it really make a separate use case?

MS: We should be aware of times to punt the job of specifying AA cases. Should also be sure that they dont change an overall use case. Asks AL about how DCN handles AA.

AL: Keystore on each IDC (acts like a browser). Trust some number of roots in this keystore. Neighbor IDCs know each other (these are 'users' on each IDC). When you get a certificate, examine the subject. If you trust IDC, and it was signed by a proper root then check attributes, etc. General idea: each IDC has users/attributes database that is local.

ACTIONS: Aaron will finish adding certain AA aspects to some use cases.

OGF Update

Martin attended NML and NSI sessions. NML is having a change in chair (Paola is stepping down, Freek/Jerone are stepping up). Major points of discussion:

  • Identifiers - Were going to stop the long standing debate about unstructured vs structured (Aaron had suggested this when it was clear that we were not making progress with NML mailing list). Lars (from GLIF) fought hard for structured. Some minor changes to original proposal: drop domain= part from NURN, dont mandate name/value pairs.

ACTION: Aaron will update google code page http://code.google.com/p/perfsonar-ps/wiki/URNs. Jason will point to this from IS-WG + add the necessary info on editing/commenting. Discussion should still go on through OGF channels.

  • NSI - John Volbrecht gave a long and heating session on definitions that are coming out of the NSI group. Some things didn't go well (confusion about certain definitions including edgepoint segments, connections vs links, ports vs edgepoints). Lots of frustration on direction of NSI from people in NML. Martin sugests members of this group read the NSI defintions (on gridforge ) to ensure that everything looks ok.

Member Meeting:

ACTION: Martin will sent out another call for attendance before we nuke the phone idea.


Next meeting: 2 weeks, tentative agenda:

  • Use Case Update
  • MM Phone Status
  • gLS Summarization - Current state, plans, goals.


  • Martin will amend charter (hold over)
  • Evangelos will work on SDN use case (hold over)
  • Andy Lake - Will complete a DCN use case for service discovery.
  • Aaron/Jason - Will generalize the service discovery case that Andy creates.
  • Jason - Will organize use cases into control plane cases.
  • Maxim/Andy/Evangelos/Aaron - Will brainstorm/communicate on additional use cases for control plane (consider lambdastation/terrapaths)
  • Aaron - Will finish adding certain AA aspects to certain use cases.
  • Aaron - will update google code page .
  • Jason - will point to this from IS-WG + add the necessary info on editing/commenting. Discussion should still go on through OGF channels.
  • Martin - Martin will sent out another call for attendance before we discount the dial in for SMM.
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