1. Introduction

The Support Organization User Guide is designed to provide you with information for completing configuration for Support Organization.  Included in this guide are instructions to assist you with the information that needs to be completed on each page.  The Support Organization section provides summary information for the Support Organization and its Constituents.

2. Logging In

To access the eduroam Federation Manager portal, use the link:  

The landing page displays all roles available to you in the portal.  

Most users will only have one role to select.  Support organizations have two user types.  The first user type is an eduroam Support Organization Administrator which has the ability to review and update the supporting organization information along with being able to update configuration for all constituents.  Clicking this link will take you to the Support Organization eduroam Dashboard.  The second user type is the eduroam Administrator which has the ability to update constituent configuration for any organization that has link in the current roles.  Clicking this link will take you to the Review and Submit page for the Organization selected. 

3. Support Organization eduroam Dashboard

The Support Organization eduroam Dashboard provides information in the following sections:

  • eduroam Support Organization Administrators - a list of the users who can view and update this page.  As changes are made to the eduroam Support Organization Administrators, they will be reflected in this section.
  • eduroam Constituents - a list of the constituents that are supported under the umbrellas of this support organization.  This list of constituents can be added, updated and decommissioned on this page.  Clicking on a constituent name will take you to their configuration page.  Additionally, each constituent record shows that organization’s eduroam Administrators.  Clicking one of the listed eduroam Administrator names brings you to the 'Manage eduroam Administrators' section of that organization where you can view the roster and add/remove any users.
  • All Realms - this section shows all realms for all constituents within the Support Organization. Realms that are unique DNS names are ready for use once they are submitted and no longer need to be approved by an eduroam Support Organization Administrator. When a constituent adds a realm, all of the constituent's eduroam Administrators and the Support Organization's eduroam Support Organization Administrators will receive an email noting the addition of the realm.

If an eduroam Support Organization Admin clicks the constituent name in the eduroam Constituents section they will be taken to the constituent's configuration page.  If the Edit button is clicked the information for the constituent can be changed.  If the Add button is clicked and new constituent can be added.  

4. Manage eduroam Support Organization Administrators

The Support Organization dashboard now allows for self-service user management of eduroam Support Organization Administrators. Reminder, users added in this role inherit the eduroam Administrator role in all of the Support Organization’s constituents.

4.1. View

View your organization’s roster of active eduroam Support Organization Administrators.

4.2. Add

Add a new/existing user to your roster in the role of eduroam Support Organization Administrator. Existing users are matched on email address. Users not already IAM enrolled will be invited to enroll via email.

4.3. Remove

Remove a user from the role of eduroam Support Organization Administrator. Removing a user has no effect on any of their other roles outside of the organization you are editing.

4.4. Resend Enrollment Email

In the event that one of your users needs a new IAM enrollment email, this feature allows you to send it to their email address on record.

4.5. Visibility

Adding/removing administrators sends an email notification to the roster of active administrators indicating the change.

5. Constituent Organization Modifications

As an eduroam Support Organization Administrator, you can update, add, and/or decommission Constituent Organizations. The following sub-sections provide information on completing these functions.

5.1. Update Constituent Organization

To update a Constituent Organization, click the edit button.  The data fields will be opened for update for the contact selected. 

Updates can be made to the Name or Website fields.  

5.2. Add Constituent Organization

The order of the fields to be added are:

  • Constituent Name
  • Constituent Display Name
  • Website
  • Subscription Type
    • IdP+SP or
    • SP Only
  • Max Number of Realms (IdP+SP only)

Once all fields have been completed, click the Add button.  The Constituent Organization will be added and be displayed in the list and ready for configuration.  To start configuration for the new Constituent Organization, click the link in the Constituent name column.

5.3. Decommission Constituent Organization

If an ESOA needs to permanently remove a Constituent, you can do so by clicking the ‘Decommission’ link by the corresponding record. 

Performing this action does the following:

  • Inactivates any eduroam Administrators for this Constituent
  • Sets the Constituent’s eduroam status to inactive, exempting it from future reporting
  • Unpublishes the Constituent from national/global configurations*
  • Disables access to the Constituent record

*Updates to the eduroam map may take up to 24 hours to appear.

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